Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Pimping For Friends

Hey kids!  Everyone needs to take a second to welcome my buddy Tatum K. Radcliffe to the blog-o-sphere.  She has recently relaunched her blog Arsenic, Spite, and Old Scars over here and we all need to show her some support.

I mentioned Tatum's writing a while back on the blog but, for all you new folks, let's give you a quick refresher.  I've known Tatum for a few years now and I have to say I have not met anyone else with a talent as a writer like hers.  She has a gift for making the twisted and grotesque seem beautiful and intimate.  As disturbing and uncomfortable as it was, I once read a short story of hers once that included a scene of graphic necrophilia that could almost bring you to tears.  

Yes, tears from necrophilia.  

I'm not kidding. 

She's also prepping her first novel Momento Mori for release hopefully soon.  Make sure you stop by and show her some love.

Welcome back to the land of the living Tatum!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Thanks for the Patience

It APPEARS that the software issue with my autoposter is corrected.
New posts should be coming your way later today.

Thanks for your patience!