Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Dear Lord Watch Over My Bank Account

First and foremost, I know deep in my heart that I am about to piss off a lot of devoutly religious people with this post.  I understand that up front.  

I’d apologize but, well, that’s just not how I do things. 

I have a simple and honest question that I wish someone could answer for me without 
simultaneously calling me an unbeliever, heathen, or suddenly feeling the need to baptize me or pray for my immortal soul.  Why is it that a segment of our population seems so hell bent on mixing God up with their money?

As many of you know, I work in the rent-to-own industry and have for a decade now.  It never ceases to amaze me how many of our customers seek to solve their financial problems through “the power of prayer” instead of actually doing something about their situation.  Not a week goes by that I don’t have at least five discussions with customers where the answer to their financial situation is that they will have to pray about it and see what God will provide.
Now, don’t misunderstand me.  If your faith is such that you take your problems to the Almighty in prayer than I admire your dedication.  What I have a problem with is that so many people seem to think that simply praying over the problem will solve it.  I can’t tell you the number of times that I’ve had to repossess merchandise from a customer who couldn’t pay their bill because the “divine handout” didn’t get there in time. 

I’ve been in desperate financial straits many times in my life and yes, some have resulted in prayers for guidance but I can’t for the life of me understand why someone would pray for the holy money truck to dump on their front lawn!  My faith has always landed more to the “God helps those who help themselves” line of thinking I guess. 

Where I fail to reach any form of understanding is when an adult who lives in the real world (sorry to burst any Matrix bubbles that may be hanging around but Neo was actually fiction) feels that prayer will magically solve the problem.  Where I get frustrated is when the solution to the problem is in fact as simple as a phone call to explain a period of hardship and make some arrangements to handle the problem.  Where I get enraged is when someone tells me they’re going to sick God on me and pray for my ruination because their decisions led to a negative outcome for them.  I hate to tell some people but if I show up on your front door to repossess your television, it’s probably not because God didn’t send mana from heaven to cover your bills.  It’s most likely because you decided to spend your bill money on weed and beer last weekend and want to use your break-glass-in-case-of-uhoh faith as an excuse or worse a shield to gloss over your failings.  

Look I’ve made some seriously bad mistakes in my life when it comes to the almighty dollar but I can promise you right fucking now that God, Jesus, Buddha, Allah, Jevohah, Yaweh, Odin, Thor, Loki, The World Turtle, nor good ol’ L.Ron had a damn thing to do with them.  They were my mistakes and I had to solve them on my own. 

It seems that I have the same conversation year after year in my line of work.  I can never quite get over the lack of responsibility for personal actions that seems to permeate so much of our society now.  Granted I see a lot more of the 40 year old adolescent mentality given what I do for a living but still, at some point someone has to say there is a line here folks! 

Does God belong in a family’s finances? Hey that’s totally your call and up to your beliefs.  The only problem I have is when your beliefs, as with so many other things, get in the way of common sense and you stop acting in your own best interest and start relying on a religious crutch instead of just simply doing something to solve your own problems yourself.

See you next time kiddies!

And I'm Back...

Hey kids.  For those of you that have been keeping track or playing along with the home version of the game, you have no doubt noticed that it’s been over a month now since I posted anything to the blog.  To be quite honest, I didn’t intend for it to have been this long in between posts but to tell the honest truth, it’s probably been better that I’ve kept my mouth shut over the last six weeks anyway.

The simple fact of the matter is that on top of always trying to be honest and upfront with my opinions on this blog, I’ve always intended for this thing to be a fairly open space.  I’ve even patted myself on the back a few times (publically) for inviting other schools of thought to voice their opinions and op-eds to what I had to say.  Well, to be blunt, the political events of the past few months including the government shut down and the Obamacare debate and debacle have really weighed heavily upon my thoughts.

Okay, that’s putting it lightly.  I’ve been so wound up about it I’ve found myself ranting to the bathroom mirror while I had a mouth full of toothpaste.  Yeah, let’s just say the whole situation crawled up my ass a bit.

I was ready to set the keyboard phasers to kill and tear a whole lot of people and their ideologies a new asshole when a friend of mine made a comment to me during a Facebook conversation regarding the whole shutdown issue that really made me think.  He remarked that I’m so conservative that even when I’m trying to be open minded I’m being conservative.  In the space of twenty minutes red alert had been cancelled, the weapons systems had powered down, and if you’ll pardon the extended Trek metaphor Captain Kirk had wandered off in search of green tail to chase.

It occurred to me that while I have a really strong opinion on this subject, I was also possibly going off a bit half-cocked and partially misdirected on the whole issue.  So I did something that has been very uncharacteristic of me to say the very least.

I shut the fuck up for a bit.

(I know, right?)

Look, the Affordable Care Act is gonna be a mess in one form or another for quite a while, whether it’s in its implementation or execution or whatever.  I personally think a lot of people are going to be in for a surprise down the line but hey, I could be wrong.  What I am going to do is get my head right about the whole situation.  I have two choices, deal with it and move on or rant and rave until I have to deal with it and move on.  It seems to me that at this point my lazier nature needs to win out and we’ll just call it dealt with.

So am I back to ranting raving cussin and fussin?  Yep.  Am I suddenly embarking on a nice swing to be all up with people and shit?  Oh puhlease.  But, when it comes to the politics of the last few months that made me so upset that it ran me away from my keyboard I’m just going to somewhat gracefully let it pass me by. 

So let’s get back to the business at hand, shall we?

Welcome back to the Cynical Sarcastic boys and girls!