Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Play Nice Now Children

Now that I've done my civic duty with the last post and encourage all of you rascals to get out and vote, it's time for your buddy the CS to speak his mind on something.

I am sick to hell and back of political attack ads.  Granted, everyone is and I realize this.  However, what is pissing me off worse than an Parkinsons disease stricken Pooh bear in a room full of sealed honey pots is the half truths and even out and out lies that are being told in some of these ads as a way to sway less than informed voters.  For example, I heard a rather vicious ad this morning on the way in to the radio station.  Considering the fact that I like to think of myself as at least somewhat of an informed voter, the accusations I heard just didn't sound right.  Something in my head said that two and two weren't adding up so I went to ye olde public records online and checked to see if these allegations were true.  Not only were they not true but they were out and out fabrications.  ANYONE who takes the time to do a minuscule amount of research can see the ad was simply full of it.

But therein lies the truth of this bullshit artist fandango kiddies: those ads aren't meant for the discerning and research minded.  They're meant for those among us to lazy to do a little due diligence and think critically.  They're aimed at the low information voter to incite a knee jerk decision on election day.

To call it like it is folks this is the basest form of pandering and it's a goddamn shame.  When you can over-translate a vote against a pork laden piece of bullshit infested, special interest heavy legislation that also happens to earmark $100,000 of additional lottery money to education in one county into a candidate being against schools and teachers, brothers and sisters I'm telling you something is horribly wrong with somebody's political and ethical acumen.  

Wait, no, hold on a sec.  I apologize.  I just put the words politics and ethics in the same sentence.  My fault.  I know better.

I wasn't kidding in my last post when I encouraged everyone to get out and vote.  Even if you are completely uninformed and vote straight party ticket Democrat because someone promised you lunch if you did, I'll take it today. For the future, however, do all of us a favor and stop listening to the campaign ads and bullshit and do a little digging and educate yourself.  

You never know, your grandchildren may be really glad that you did.

Mid Terms Are Here

Kids, to kick off The Cynical Sarcastic for November, I'm going to start out with something very, very simple.

Today is the day to vote in the midterm elections.  Get out and vote.

For those of you that believe it doesn't really matter if you vote or not, let me put it to you this way.  Statistically speaking, elections are decided more and more by who DOESN'T vote than who actually DOES.  Not voting isn't an act of protest folks, it's letting someone else make  your decisions for you and that's what got us in this mess to start with.

Put this through your thinking caps this morning: if you don't normally vote, decide to do so this time.  Next time, take two other people with you that don't normally vote.  Etc., etc., etc. Fifteen minutes every two years isn't that big a deal people. Eventually, if we get serious about getting people out to vote, our elected government will start to actually look like the will of the people and not the will of special and corporate interests.  

It's something to think about kids.  While our personal politics may or may not line up, all I really care about is that you exercise your rights.  We can argue the rest later on ad nauseum.

I appreciate your two minutes in reading this.  Share it if you will.