Kids, to kick off The Cynical Sarcastic for November, I'm going to start out with something very, very simple.
Today is the day to vote in the midterm elections. Get out and vote.
For those of you that believe it doesn't really matter if you vote or not, let me put it to you this way. Statistically speaking, elections are decided more and more by who DOESN'T vote than who actually DOES. Not voting isn't an act of protest folks, it's letting someone else make your decisions for you and that's what got us in this mess to start with.
Put this through your thinking caps this morning: if you don't normally vote, decide to do so this time. Next time, take two other people with you that don't normally vote. Etc., etc., etc. Fifteen minutes every two years isn't that big a deal people. Eventually, if we get serious about getting people out to vote, our elected government will start to actually look like the will of the people and not the will of special and corporate interests.
It's something to think about kids. While our personal politics may or may not line up, all I really care about is that you exercise your rights. We can argue the rest later on ad nauseum.
I appreciate your two minutes in reading this. Share it if you will.
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