Tuesday, October 28, 2014

You've Hurt My Feelings - To Death

Kids, this isn't going to be a long one.  I just need to get this off my chest.

I sincerely wish someone would slap the tar out of this self-righteous, the-rules-don't-apply-to-me tard of a nurse in New Jersey that threatened to sue because she was placed in Ebola quarantine.

Okay, now I will grant you that the woman was not symptomatic other than a fever AND I'll even go a step further and say that the hospital should have done better about her conditions, however, if you're going to work in a hot zone for the currently most deadly virus on the planet wouldn't you think it would stand to reason you should expect to not be turned loose immediately into one of the more populated areas in the world upon your return?  Hey, I'm all for doing your good deed honey, believe me I am, but how about doing the rest of us back here at home the same favor and not take a risk of being the reason DWB needs to send folks over here to help US out as well.

Personally I blame all of this on this country's careening spiral into an ultra-liberalized PC hell where everyone's feelings and sensibilities are more important than plain old common sense.

Hey, criticize me all you want but I think the woman is just out of her damn tree with self-entitlement.  At least I didn't espouse the idea that a caller to our local talk station did yesterday to treat the quarantine the way the mobs in Africa do:  stay in it or catch a round in the forehead, your choice! 

Either way you look at it...

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