It exists and it exists from every angle to every person. If you walk around outside today some person somewhere is going to dislike you simply for your complexion.
Now kids I'm going to offer you a radical piece of knowledge that some of you are going to instantly get angry over and offer every excuse and tried and true piece of crap bandwagon nonsense up to and including "Don't Shoot" to try to prove me wrong.
Pay attention now. It's so simple it's going to piss you off.
The perpetuation of racism in our country is the fault of every individual that uses race as a qualifier and descriptor for identification.
Black man.
White woman.
Etcetera, so on, and so forth.
We put race into the equation ourselves. Why not just see a man or a woman? Or an American? We tag everything with race nearly automatically and I don't care what color or creed you are personally - unless you are an exceptional person you do it just like the rest of us.
Why is that a big deal? It gives those among us who love to race-bait something to feed off of and stir pots with - pure and simple.
Take this more recent incident outside of St. Louis, the Michael Brown case. Now take race out of the equation. Cop shoots thug moments after thug strong arm robs a convenient store and then attempts to steam roll cop after fracturing said officer's eye socket in an attempt to disarm him. Thug meets an early end due to officer doing what he was trained to do. (Personally, that's what the evidence seems to point to as far as I'm concerned. I really don't care if you disagree. It doesn't really matter what anyone thinks until the grand jury decides what it wants to do anyway. But hey, if rioting and tearing up the neighborhood makes you feel better...) I have a hard time believing that this officer shot this kid because he was black, let alone executed him in broad daylight as some were originally attempting to claim before evidence came out. I mean come on, everyone knows that kind of shit gets done at night. (The white sheets show up better that way...)
But, simply due the color of each man's skin, all hell broke loose in that town and it was stupid, wasteful, belligerent ignorance incarnate. Those people weren't destroying their own town out of anger. They were driving in from out of town to stir things up, repeatedly escalate a slowly calming situation, and generally act a damn fool in the name of racial slights they had nothing to do with in most cases to start with.
Kids, challenge yourself tomorrow. Take "race" out of your personal equations. Ethnicity is no longer a determining factor in someone's worth, unless it is your determining factor for them.
Just my two cents worth. Fuck you if you're too ignorant to catch on.
By the way, I did happen to mention I'm completely prejudiced against stupid fucks, didn't I?