Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Kindest Unfriend

Well, it's been one of those special kinda weeks so far boys and girls and even though it's only Thursday I'm irritated enough for it to be severely wishing it was 5 o'clock somewhere.
Today's rant is brought to you by all the moronic buckets of claptrap that choose to live their lives through Facebook, other social media, and text messaging rather than engaging in actual face to face conversations with actual live people and the dysfunction they seem to feel is okay to spread about the Internet like grass seed on a pretty spring day.
Kids, the simple fact is that I am (at least somewhat on most days) an adult. I have my life and bills to pay and all that other fun shit and I have absolutely zero tolerance for those who like to cause, air, and share drama with the rest of the world.  I got irritated the other night with the sheer amount of petulant child-esque b.s. being thrown around on Facebook regarding the presidential debates and actually started to pay attention to the people guilty of all the nonsense.  Interestingly enough, the same people choosing to call others names and behave like little baby boys with the tip of their built in worry stone covered in recycled strained peas were the same ones who usually spew vehement and odorous bullshit on a regular basis.  I thought about just completely unfriending these douchebags then it occurred to me: WAIT MORON, you use Facebook to advertise for your work as well. Do you really want to shut off potential readers just because you can't stand their ass?  Thankfully it turns out that if you have a fan page on Facebook (I do, not sure why but I do) you can actually shuttle friends over to it instead of outright deleting them. And suddenly my friend count dropped from nearly 250 to roughly 130 and we'll proceed with the day from there.
People, I've made it pretty clear on a few occasions that I want to stay out of the political discussion, at least online. I've not made a secret out of the fact that I wouldn't trust our current president with the fry machine at McDonald's, let alone the economy, but that's solely my opinion and I hope you have one of your own.  All I want to say publicly is that I hope everyone votes on November 6th and votes from an informed and intelligent position. Also, if you're going to debate politics, keep it friggin civil people.  Some of the best political discussions I've been involved in lately have occurred at the gym among a group of men within whom the smallest individual weighs 260 pounds.  My point is that if anywhere from a half ton to a ton of rage addled iron monkeys can carry on civil discourse then why the hell can't a bunch of 150 pounders?  Does life really look that different on the other side of the insurmountable force / immovable object equation?
Enough with politics, I've got another axe to finely sharpen on the remnants of someone else's spinal column.  Folks, we've all had friends go through messy breakups of their relationships and, as we all know, the crap tends to spill out online to social media because some people just can't keep personal shit to themselves.  We've all seen it, rolled our eyes, and moved on if possible.  What just galls me to no end, however, if when one of the "wronged" parties decides to start making threats online for the whole world to see.  There's stupid and then there's just that.  As a prime example I just had a friend tell me the other day that his ex was accusing him of "talking shit" and that he was going to "catch a bullet." I thought to myself - nah, he's exaggerating, no one's that stupid. I really hate it when I'm wrong for there it was in glorious black and white.  I called an attorney friend of mine and found out that there's enough just in that crap to take civil if not criminal action.  Who in their right mind stoops to that level of black belt wank tard stupidity? According to my friend-at-law, apparently more and more people on a daily basis. 
We've talked before on the C.S. that we seem to live in a world with fewer and fewer real consequences for stupidity.  Therefore, I'm proposing one today. I'm encouraging everyone to take a really hard look at their lives and locate those individuals that you have no idea why you still waste time on and just let them go quietly into that good night.  Our lives are too short to continue to voluntarily poison ourselves with someone else's drama and nonsense, so why the hell do we?  Are we so very bored with everything else in our lives that we have to espouse someone else's banality? I know it may not be the easiest thing to do.  Speaking from personal experience, I had to cut loose of a number of people that I'd always thought of as good friends just over a decade ago.  Their meddling and intrusiveness in my life, which I had always seen as sort of mentoring, turned out to be little more than controlling bullshit and it was fast on the way to ruining my world.  It was tough but a decade later I have to say it was one of the best calls I've ever made.  I'd be willing to bet that if you took a minute and were really honest with yourself, your social hedge could use a little pruning as well. 
Wait, why is my friend's list on Facebook suddenly down to 10? 

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