Friday, November 16, 2012

Happy Anniversary: One Year of The Cynical Sarcastic

Happy Friday and Happy Anniversary Kids!!  It was one year ago that yours truly decided to open the front door on The Cynical Sarcastic, thus beginning the deluge of ranting and raving you've all come to know, love, revile, ridicule, heckle, deify, and what not. 

I started this blog a year ago simply with the idea that I would toss maybe an article a week out and see if there was any feedback and potentially a market for my writing.  Well, now a full year and 41,131 page views later, apparently something good is going on somewhere. Here's some quick stats for you. As of November 1, 2012, the average post is viewed 432 times within a seven day period from date of publication and some have even reached the 1300 mark!  I know we're receiving new readers all the time as our RSS feed numbers continue to grow and traffic on older posts continues to increase monthly.  Guest bloggers have a great return for their efforts as well: the average guest blog is viewed roughly 1000 times in its first two weeks.  Not a bad start at all!

 To all of you that have been guest bloggers, grammar police, frequent commenters, and even the handful of you that have chosen to share your truly unique points of view with me via email, I'd like to take a second to convey my appreciation. Your participation has lead to 125 posts, two books published successfully, and three more in various stages of development: absolutely none of which would have been accomplished without your support.

I'd like to take a second to specifically thank my guest bloggers who have contributed in the past year and are going to do so in the near future.  All of you have made awesome contributions to the blog, whether through humor, moving personal experiences, or just taking the time to share your true feelings on a subject you care about.  Your efforts have not only made this project feel like more of a community but they have also truly inspired me to push that much harder to see it thrive and continue.

Several of you have asked what happened to the planned collection of posts that was going to be put together in time for the holidays this year.  Well, it was initially conceived of as a charitable project.  After closely examining the production costs versus expected sales and what could realistically be expected to donated at the end of the year, I made the decision to postpone it at minimum another six months to possibly the 2013 holiday season.  In the end, a book with 200 articles will simply produce more revenue than one with 80, and as this is a charitable endeavor I'm going to hold off just a bit longer to garner more pieces to use and do as much good as possible.

Well, I'm looking forward to 2013 being a great year, both on The Cynical Sarcastic and on our new sister blog, The Big Fella's Guide.  There are a lot of great things coming up on the horizon: new guest blogs, book launches, continued weekly email responses, and most likely a whole lot more of me running off at the mouth about whatever random topic tweaks me that worst that morning.

Thanks again for continuing to tune in and here's looking forward to the future!
- Brian Pittman

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