Contrary to popular (and probably deserved) opinion, no, I haven't abandoned all of you just quite yet and disappeared into the ether. It's been a crazy month, what can I tell ya.
One of the reasons I've stayed quiet a little longer than usual as of late was that I had to make a decision on whether or not to comment on the whole Trayvon Martin court decision and the almost immediately blooming shit storm that took root thereafter. I had a response prepared and was ready with my very strongly worded opinion when I had a short Facebook conversation with an old high school friend. We were on very different sides of the fence on that issue but we both felt the same way: at its core the entire event was a significant tragedy for all involved. Thank you for the course correction Mr. Watson, it didn't fall on deaf ears. I then made the decision just to step away from the subject and allow the talking heads their time in the sun (or moon or rain or whatever as the case may have been). One more overgrown white guy with an opinion on the topic of misapplied racism in this country ain't gonna do nothin' more than piss someone else off and during that time it just wasn't needed.
So what's got me back to the keyboard, ready to bitch, moan, whine, pout, and otherwise just make an ass of myself as usual? Well first and foremost I missed getting the chance to rant and rave and pass ideas back and forth with you all. And secondly, well...
Let's just say I turned on the car radio this morning on the way into the local talk station for my regular Tuesday morning segment, heard the news, and damn near lost my shit in the middle of Highway 24!
The sudden near-bowel-loosening came from a news segment that stated that the ACLU, the NAACP, the Justice Department, and I'm not sure but maybe even the Super Friends were going to take legal action against North Carolina to challenge our newly minted voting laws.
Kids, there are times where What The Fuck just doesn't cover it.
And this, if you'll pardon the vernacular, be one of those times.
I'm trying not to be narrow minded about this and I've attempted to see both sides of the issue. I really have, but I am having one hell of a time. I wish someone can reasonably explain to me how requiring pre-registration by 24 hours and having a state issued photo ID as proof of residency is discriminatory or anti-voting rights? I mean come the hell on people. There is an election coming up in 2016 to get Captain Socialism et. al. out of office. Last I checked it's August of 2013. You mean to tell me that even the straight party ticket voting political overachievers who actually vote in the mid-term elections can't get their shit together and get a current ID by then? I mean for chrissakes we're about to start drug testing for WELFARE and that requires a state issued ID. We're not even handing out pee cups to vote. You can (and apparently a lot of folks were) be just as high as you'd care to be and still cast your vote. Just have picture ID. See, it's not that bad.
Look, let's make this simple. To purchase a handgun in our great state you need a state issued ID to get a permit and have to pass a background check to prove you're not a felon or insane.
Take a good look at the wreck our country is in and tell me that a vote might not be just as dangerous...
But hey, that's just my opinion and I could be...
No you know what?
Screw it! On this one I'm just right!
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