Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Happy Memorial Day and the Like
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Hey kids. Listen, I can't stress this enough: today is the primary election and you need to get out and vote. Even if I vehemently couldnt agree less with your viewpoint, I still emplore you to do your civic duty today. Our country's future is too critically important to voice your opinion in absencia.
That being said, I feel I need to address a few of you head-on. I'm speaking to those of you I loving refer to as "low information liberals," or more accurately libtards. This applies to those of you on the other side of the political fence from me who still view our president and his cronies in Congress with rose colored Messianic glasses and refuse to do anything contrary to the "message". Folks, continually nodding your rights and freedoms away by simple agreement is what got us where we are now. Do some reading, spend some time talking to your friends and family, but for the love of all that is holy get at least some information in your noggin before you vote.
Remember, I don't care if we have a difference of opinion. I'm just shocked by the number of people still willing to simply drink the kool-aid with no thought process or critical thinking behind their decision.
Happy voting yall!