Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Happy Memorial Day and the Like

I know, I know, I know I've been neglecting the blog a bit as of late.  Sometimes these things just can't be helped as I'm sure all of you know.  When you have a 24 hour day and book yourself for 26 hours, well things just have a tendency to drop off the map a bit.

The good news is that I'm narrowing in on the end of the road for Hurricane Carolina, finally, and also have a great idea for the next book as well.  Things are up and running again in the scribbling department and it's time for some productivity, dammit!

First and foremost, I want to take a second and wish everyone a day late Happy Memorial Day and to thank all of our veterans and active duty military for their service and sacrifices.  More and more people seem to forget what that holiday is truly about, even when you live as close to two major military bases as we do here in Morehead City.

Next, I want to also thank those of you who have continued to read the blog over the past couple of years.  We're closing in on the 250,000 pageviews mark.  Granted that's not a huge pile in the course of the interwebs (and not be completely inclusive since the counter started over a while back - probably missing a good six months worth) but considering it's my little scribblins out there in the wild I'm still pretty stoked by it).

Finally, I want to get the ol' email chains going again for your questions and comments.  Remember that you can reach me via thecynicalsarcastic@gmail.com or on Facebook (dbrianpittman) and Twitter (@dbrianpittman).

Looking forward to what the future is going to hold for us kiddies!

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