Thursday, June 12, 2014

It Has Come to My Attention...

Hey kids.  It was gently brought to my attention a few nights ago by someone who has followed both my blog, writing, and radio efforts as of late that I have been extremely neglectful in getting blog posts up in a timely manner.  Admittedly I've been spending a lot of time tied up with work and the like and I have been dedicating a good chunk of time to reading and planning for the Y Factor each week, but that's no excuse for letting everything else slip a bit.

So, here's my mea culpa.  My bad folks.  The monkey will try to do better in the future.

For those of you that aren't aware / could care less / don't have enough to do with you life and need further reason to mock me, I am a panel member on the Y Factor, a weekly talk show on WTKF 107.1 here in Morehead City.  Yes, I'm on talk radio.  Yes, I tend to represent the more "conservative" side of the spectrum during our conversations.  And yes, I get to use words like celebritard and libneck on a weekly basis.  I even get to lambast the occasional knuckle nut guest who chooses to espouse some form of nonsense or another in public.  While the panel fluctuates on occasion, it is primarily composed of Riley, our moderater/host/resident liberal, myself, and Brandon, our sports guy / well spoken cooler head in the room.

The show is supposedly about how current events effect the Millenial generation.  It's slowly morphing into throw a piece of controversy on the floor and let Brian and Riley maul each other over it while Brandon tries to keep us at bay with sticks. I'm not sure what you call it in its current form but I got to call myself a loud-mouthed chucklehead on air tonight so it's obviously become something special.  

If you would like to hear the show or get in on the conversation you can always call the station or tune in either over the air or online at every Thursday night at 6pm.

So, all promos aside, thanks for being patient with me while I've been running around the last month like a crazy person.

And we're back...

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