Thursday, June 12, 2014

Traitors and Ghouls and Tarheels Oh My!

Okay kiddies, now that I'm back to ye olde blogosphere yet again after several weeks of diversion, there are a couple of things I want to share an opinion or two on with you.  We covered this stuff in detail on the radio and I've probably beat the issue to death with some of you privately but for everyone else I wanted to weigh in with my two rusty cents worth.

On the trade for Pvt. Bergdahl:  look folks, at best we traded a deserter for five very fully functioning terrorists.  At worst we traded a traitor for five of his buddies.  I'll admit I wasn't there and didn't see the kid walk off post BUT when those that were say they did and then get bashed by our administration...hmmm...  Not saying you got the short end of the stick on that trade there Barry but I do have some swamp land in Wyoming you should take a look at.

On the attempted murder of a friend by two Wisconsin girls trying to attract "Slenderman:"  Folks, it's not the parents' fault, nor the teachers', nor the counselors', nor anyone elses' for that matter.  We tend, as a society, to forget that there is something as a bad kid.  We had them when I was growing up, we had them when our parents and grandparents were coming along, so why the fuck suddenly can't we have them now.  Now we seem to have to blame something somewhere for the little shittard.  There is such a thing as bad people and they come from bad kids.  Sometimes DNA just doesn't combine for the betterment of the species.  Every now and then you get a sperm that goes all Leroy Jenkins on you.  It happens.  That's why we make prisons and asylums people.  They're dysfunctional people warehouses.  That's it and that's all.

Rashad McCants, you shabby, inglorious, fame seeking fucktard.  How dare you attempt to sully the good name of Carolina Basketball just to sneak your sorry ass back into the limelight for a hot minute long after your college star has faded.  College ball players get some form of special treatment everywhere dipshit and yes, it is a problem.  What's more of a problem is the chucklenut trying to jump bandwagon with a former football player and a grossly underqualified former tutor ne investigative journalist who want to taint an esteemed institution for an extra 15 minutes.  Look I still picture Dean Smith on the sidelines of a game when I hear the words "college basketball coach" and I know Roy Williams is a product of that era and what it stood for.  Is the Carolina program perfect? Probably not.  Does this bullshit need to keep dragging on?  Nope.  You know, just for good measure, FUCK RASHAAD MCCANTS, HIS MOMMA, THE NEWS AND OBSERVER, AND EVERYTHING THAT'S GOT ANYTHING TO DO WITH YALL.  (Somebody probably owes Snoop a royalty check for that but hey, if it applies...)

Well, it's been a pretty awesome day kids.  Catch up with you tomorrow.

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