Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Duck Diving in a Sea of Change

Hi again from the moving process!  Due to some time constraints this evening I'm going to keep this post short and sweet, I swear (stop rolling your eyes Ben, we can all hear you!).

During this whole process of finding a job and having to rapidly relocate my life 120 miles eastward, it's become painfully evident to me how people are just not wired all that well to deal with sudden change.  I've moved on very short notice more times than I want to count in my life, but that's what you get when you're a career retail management monkey.  You just get used to it, much in the same way that military families do.  It never gets to be fun, believe me, but you get used to it just the same.

Where I'm quite honestly a bit flabbergasted is how I see those around me going through minor changes in their life and blowing them completely out of proportion.  My wife and I are overhauling everything in the course of two weeks and yet we seem to have been able to keep it mostly together and accomplish what needs to be done even though we're two hours apart.  On the flip side of that coin I see other people in screaming matches when a babysitter cancels and the husband needs to pick the kid up for a change.  

I just don't get it.

Change is a constant part of our human existence.  It's as immovable and unyielding as stone and will pound your just as flat as an ocean wave if you try to stand against it.  It basically comes down to a choice: you can man/woman up and accept what life has thrown at you or you can throw a fit like a child and whine about it.  That's where the whole duck diving part comes in.  If you've ever tried surfing, even once, someone tried to teach you how to duck dive to help you navigate the oncoming waves.  The same concept works with change in your life.  Sometimes you just have to bear down, push through it, and get on to the better things that await you.

So, to those of you that need to hear it, BUCK THE HELL UP LITTLE CAMPER!

Enjoy your week, more to come once I find somewhere to put all these boxes!

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