Kids, your ol' buddy the CS finds himself in a rather difficult situation.
As many of you know I've made a strong point in the past about being very open and supportive of everyone's right to practice their faith of choice. Even Scientologists. L. Ron love you, I may not understand you goofy bastards but I still have to support your right to stay just as clear as your operating thetan asses want to be. I've stuck by this belief for a very long time and even had to defend it rather vehemently on a few occasions. Up until recently I don't believe you could have shaken me away from this idea.
The problem I'm dealing with today is in regards to the Islamic faith. Now there are, as many of you were about to blurt out before I had a chance to complete my sentence, a large population of the folks that practice this religion that love this country, are peaceful people, and are the furthest thing from "terrorists," etc. etc. so on and so forth. Unfortunately there is a shocking rise in the number of radical mosques in the world over the last ten years. The clerics in these mosques are actively teaching a more jihadist and anti-Western rhetoric. Most recently of note would be the mosque where the two men worshiped that beat that British soldier to death in the middle of the street. CNN released a report just last week stating that over the last five years or so that particular mosque had become reputed to have moved from more mainstream Islamic teachings to a much more violent bent. Sadly, this is apparently becoming a world wide phenomenon.
So here's my quandry in as plain a language as I can muster: if the overall tenets of a faith are experiencing a shift worldwide to beliefs that are actively hostile to our American way of life, how long can we continue to provide the same level of protection for that faith on our soil?
Mind you, I'm not advocating revoking the Muslims right to practice their faith. I find myself disturbed, however, when legislation comes to light that is attempting to prevent the investigation of these more radical mosques in our own country. I find it to be greatly concerning that no matter what kind of threat they may pose.
Of course I'm also finding myself very highly concerned when our current administration tries to quell the first amendment rights of those who choose to take issue with the Islamic faith as well. Yeah, well, we'll just save that little bit for another post...
Again, I'm not advocating the restriction of anyone's rights to practice their faith. I'm not being racist, evil, discriminatory, or ignorant in any way. I am advocating the same transparency for their practices and teachings that all other faiths in this country are subject to, and I would actively encourage the investigation of any activity that poses a threat to our country.
Finally I'd like to make a request to anyone of the Islamic faith that is willing to respond. Please explain to me why so many in your faith feel it necessary to protect those who truly wish to threaten our country and way of life by preventing legitimate investigation into the matter of terrorist activity.
Part 1
ReplyDeleteI concur. However, I disagree where you mention they are at odds with the American way of life. They are at odds with anyone who is not Muslim. Look at the slaughter of Coptic Christians and Jews worldwide. It's not just the US they're against. We are the main target of their hatred because we (supposedly)represent individual freedom, especially that of religion.
I am a big supporter of the Constitution. The 1A is exactly why our forefathers came to America - to escape the crown which was suppressing their religious beliefs and their ability to speak their minds. Hence why it was listed first. (And it's by no coincidence that the 2A follows immediately, but that's a discussion for another day!) It was imperative to them that everyone, regardless of religion (or lack thereof) be permitted to worship (or not) as they see fit (provided it is morally and lawfully defensible dare I say).
The dilemma you present is absolutely legitimate and a challenge for many people. I'll not say anything disparaging about Islam (lest I end up in jail - but that's another discussion for another day) but only present some facts rather than opinion.
5:33-“The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution (by beheading), or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter;”
8:12- “I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off.”
47:4- “Therefore, when ye meet the Unbelievers (in fight), strike off their heads; at length; then when you have made wide Slaughter among them, carefully tie up the remaining captives”: thereafter (is the time for) either generosity or ransom: Until the war lays down its burdens.”
These three verses from the Qur'an tell believers to behead unbelievers. Being that radical Muslims believe they are at war with Jews and the West, the first and last presented above absolutely apply.
33:21- Ye have indeed in the Messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern (of conduct) for any one whose hope is in Allah and the Final Day, and who engages much in the Praise of Allah.
Here, the Qur'an tells us that Mohammed is the perfect example of who to follow and emulate. In 622, Mohammad and his band of immigrants arrived in Medina. They were completely dependent upon the generosity of three Jewish tribes. In just less than two years, the Muslims had gained enough power to conquer two of the tribes. (They exploited the rifts between the three tribes to create division.) They confiscated their land and wealth. Finally, the third tribe surrendered and over 800 men and boys were beheaded by the prophet. So Mohammed is a perfect example and beheaded his enemies. Where else would modern day radicals get the idea? Religion of peace? Sure. As long as you're a Muslim or are willing to convert.
Part 2
ReplyDeleteNow. Let's get to the clear and present danger to the US. At one point, there were 36 radical Islamic compounds here in the US that served as terrorist training compounds. The very first one was founded in York county, SC in the 80's. The HQ is in NY where promising 'recruits' are sent to Pakistan for further training. These all enjoy Constitutional protection because they are Islamic shrines - religious institutions. They were set up by the MOA (Muslims of America). That organization was started by Sheik Mubarek Ali Shah Gilani, who is the head of Jamaat al Fuqra, a known terrorist organization. The majority of their recruits are found right here in the US in the prison system. The feds were able to get into one and shut it down. The MOA subsequently shut down a couple more camps themselves shortly thereafter, but there are still at least 30 in operation today.
I wasn't really shocked when I read the news that the NSA spying on Americans excluded mosques. No big surprise there, eh? Nor was I surprised when the FBI said their efforts had stopped about 50 attacks - yet at least two of them were shortly thereafter easily disputed and proved false.
But the problem then lies in this - if we don't provide Constitutional rights and protection for Islam, how can we justify it for other religions? True, Islam is the only one I know of that advocates anything as horrific as Sharia law. And true, Islam is the only one I know of that believes it is at war with the rest of the world. So maybe that's how we justify it?
What's sad is a recent poll showed 26% of American believe the Tea Party is the top terrorist threat to the US. Really? And I'd be willing to bet a lot of those people think Eric Holder is an actor in Fast and Furious. (Yes, there was a recent on-the-street interview where many people didn't even know who he is, and several more thought as mentioned above.)
All I can say is this... I'm not a Muslim and I will never convert. If you can get through my 2 ARs, shotgun, Glock, Emerson CQC-15 and 25 of martial arts training, then you might have a chance at beheading me.