If you've been reading this blog for any length of time, you've probably caught on to the fact that I'm a bit more than a casual gamer. I've been pretty much locked in to the XBox360 for six years or so now, thanks in no small part to my wife and her family and our slightly unorthodox family outings into the world of Call of Duty.
Needless to say I was pretty excited about the announcement of the new XBox One to be released this fall... until I actually watched the press conference.
So let me make sure I understand this. My console has to connect to the Internet once every 24 hours or my games lock out? The camera is ALWAYS on? The console logs everything I watch to make suggestions? I can't trade in my games unless A PUBLISHER SAYS IT'S OKAY? I can't lend a buddy my copy of a game without losing my rights to it? My beloved GameFly account will be useless unless they "decide" to activate rental licenses?
Kids, it's bad enough we've got a potus in office who wants us all to live in an Orwellian nightmare. You know, this one:

Why in the fucking hell would I want to voluntarily give some company an always on camera in my living room and then give them permission to chart everything I watch in order to provide me better suggestions and marketing opportunities. Not that I'm some 14 year old kid with a predilection for anime porn and Skimamax but still... really? We deal with enough of that crap already in our digital world. But you expect me to pay $499 for the privilege? Is there a polite way to tell someone to take your written notice to go fuck yourself, roll it up neatly, and anally fist themselves with it?
Oh wait, actually there is...
Sony did it when it announced the PS4 would be $100 cheaper, remembered the actual hardcore gamers that got them there to start with instead of trying to monopolize the living room, and would be able to share games just as we do now. I have never seen so many grown men (well gamers anyway) laugh quite as hard as I've seen people guffaw at this video.
And this ladies and gentlemen is how easily Sony pulled my future console purchase away from Microsoft and flipped the biggest bird I've seen in a very, very long time up toward ol' Redmond, Washington:
I believe the words you're looking for are
GAME - SET - MATCH bitches!
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