Monday, April 30, 2012

Guest Blog by David Hunt: Insert Title Here

This week's guest blogger is David Hunt. I've known Dave since he had the unfortunate fate of being stuck as my roommate for a session of summer school during college. Some of you may remember that Dave had a previous mention on the CS last fall after winning a fight with a brain tumor. I'm still trying very, very hard to get him to reconsider moving forward with the zipper pull tattoo for his scar but so far to no avail. Mr. Hunt also serves as the unofficial beat cop for the Grammar Police, patrolling the CS as diligently as possible and citing yours truly when I develop a case of fumble finger on the keyboard. One of Dave's trademarks has always been that he possesses one of the driest wits known to man and that is one of the reasons I invited him to guest blog. I hope you enjoy what he's written, and if you all will show a little love, I'm quite sure we might even be able to get him to give it a go on some of the other titles he's hinting at as well. Without further gilding of the lilly, ladies and gentlemen, David Hunt.

So a few weeks ago an old friend asked if I might write a guest blog post. I was reluctant to write something not because I don't have a lot to say (who doesn't) but because I didn't want to disgrace my friend or his blog with my mindless ramblings (keep reading, you'll see). Well, the fear of humiliation or disgrace has never stopped me before so here we go.

First a little about me. Unlike most of the other guest bloggers, I am a professional writer. That's right. I get paid to sit and click clack on a keyboard all day. Perhaps you are familiar with some of my work. Auto Item Deletion? 8 Day Past Due Report? Shopfloor Punishment Report? No? Well, that's probably because I'm merely a computer programmer and I write code. Ha! Got ya! Okay, maybe I didn't. Well, enough about me. I'm boring to talk about. All you really need to know is that I'm pretty awesome. Trust me.

Enough stalling. So what to write about? I've considered many topics. Here are the potential titles of a few: How to break the news to friends and family that you have a tumor. What's it like to think you're about to die. 101 funny things to say about brain surgery after you've survived. Growing up Wookie. What not to say aloud in Church. 

Okay, so any of those might be more fun than what I'm about to write. Too bad, it's my laptop and I'm the one typing. But I digress...

I think I want to talk about friendship and simply being a good person. As I mentioned before, this blog's author is an old friend. When he asks for a favor (and I can comply), then I answer the call. I don't want you to misunderstand, we haven't seen each other in, what, a decade? It's not like we're blood brothers or bonded by some life changing experience. Well, there was that time in college when we shared that hooker... Okay, I'm kidding, I just held the camera. No, I'm kidding, she held the camera. 

At this point I think it might be important to point out that I'm a bit off the old rocker (no, not Steven Tyler). I'm the person who takes a bad idea (like deep fried twinkies) and makes it worse (like dipping it in fondu) and then makes it REALLY worse (like quick freezing it so you can eat it like a popsicle...who wouldn't like a deep fried twinkie-du sicle?). But I digest...

I chose friendship because of the implied nonsupport BP has gotten for his new novella. Personally, I plan on ordering several copies. Why? Because he's my friend. I want him to succeed. Now, if this book turns out to NOT be to my liking, then I plan to pass my copies along. Now I know all about constructive criticism and that's not what I'm talking about here. The point is friends show support. If you are one of those who have been less than supportive, then maybe you aren't really a friend. Well, that's cool too (to my mind). Please do not pretend to be something you are not. "Hi friend. What's that knife for?" 

Perhaps this came about because I watched "Wyatt Earp" this morning (thanks for the quotes IMDB!): 

Frank Mclaury: You're first on my list Holiday. Spend the rest of your time expecting to see me.

Doc Holiday: Mclaury, seeing you would be a nice change. I understand most of your enemies got it in the back

Obviously, I kinda see myself in the Doc Holiday role here as I am the friend showing support (but NOT dying of tuberculosis). Now, here's a piece of advice from old "Doc" (me, not Holiday): if someone is NOT your friend, then, unless you value their opinion, blow them off. 

Maybe Doc Holiday DID say it best: "All of you can kiss my rebel dick."

Well kids, this has been a rambling mess and if my old friend has any sense, he'll edit the hell out of this or simply delete it. Seriously, delete it.

Wyatt Earp: Not everyone who knows you hates you, Doc.

Doc Holliday: I know it's not always easy being my friend, but I'll be there when you need me.

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