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Yep, it's been one of those mornings... |
Several months ago I wrote a post entitled 'The Art of the Overshare" in which we discussed the fact that some people seem to feel the need to use social media to chronicle every nuance and iota of their existence as a way to victimize the rest of the world. I know I've made it a habit in the past to try to not reuse ideas for content but you know, it's been about a week since I posted last and this whole 'overshare' thing is getting on my nerves once again, so as best as I can figure that sounds like a topic to me!
Once again to paraphrase the man, Mr. Dennis Miller, this is all just my opinion and I could be very, very wrong.
Kids, there are some people in this world that I consider it to be perfectly acceptable should they choose to over-indulge in the whole social media sharefest. If you fall into one of these groups then by all means, throw caution to the wind and go for it.
If you're over the age of 65 and have finally gotten a handle on the whole interwebs thing, you have my support. I personally don't care if you blather on about Aunt Helen's crusty old support stockings. Just dive in and be happy, but please do be mindful that the world can see your postings and that cute picture of little Brian in the cowboy hat, gun belt, toy guns, cowboy boots, and nothing else will cause harm should it get out in public. Yes Mother, this means you.
If you have a chronic or terminal disease and use social media to talk about your condition on occasion but refrain from using it as a means to whine uncontrollably, proceed with blessings sir or madam. I have a Facebook friend that I went to high school with that is either suffering from Chron's disease or Fibromyalgia. I'm not naming names and honestly I'm not sure which it is because she doesn't discuss it all that often. What impresses me is that I know this person is in daily pain but when they do mention it, it's mainly only to state that she's having a bad day or on occasion to ask for her friends to pray for her because she's in significant pain from a flare up. I think that takes a lot of class personally. I suffer from frequent and severe migraines so, to some small extent, I understand what she deals with and can appreciate the fact that she handles it with grace in public.
Lastly, if you have a child that you're proud of as a parent or relative et al, go for it within reason. Protecting the safety of that child on the modern Internet is one thing, but carefully treading the line between sharing their accomplishments and using Facebook as your public refrigerator door is a balancing act for the ages. Moderation is the key here kids. Remember, your newborn is awesome and everyone wants to see pictures. Their first successful diaper filling, well, not so much.
Now it's time to move on to those folks that seem to as of yet be unable to take a simple, subtle hint and just settle the hell down a bit. First of all, I'd like to speak to the depressed people out there. Please for the love of God will you stop using Facebook as a support group! If I read one more 'I feel really down today and don't think anyone cares' post that some dillweed is using as a cry for help or attention, I swear I'm going to get in the car and drive them to the gun store myself. Life sucks for all of us. Deal with it, get on meds, or do something about it but please quit whining in public. We don't need to hear it. If you need a hug that fucking bad, email me and I will send you my address so you can come over. I have a 140 lb Great Dane - Dodge Charger mix that loves everyone unequivocally and will hug you immediately upon entry. Trust me, you'll be fine.
Next I'd like to speak to all of you that are so happy about Jesus-Buddha-Krishna-Odin-the Goddess are whatever other Blessed-F'in-Be you're praying to this week that you just can't shut up about it on every possible variety of social media you can put your grubby little claws on. You have every right to your faith and the enjoyment and fulfillment thereof. In fact you have my full support to do so. Please just do us all one little teeny tiny favor and tone it down just a bit. No one out there spends their life in religious supplication unless you're wearing orange robes and making sand gardens. You've got a job or kids or something else going on, right? Talk about that for a change of pace occasionally. I understand that your faith is a big part of your life but that can't be it, can it? Similarly, if you choose to thank God publicly via social media for every little thing that happens in your life, you may want to knock the dust off your Bible and look up what it has to say about proselytizing in public. Go ahead, we'll wait. Actually, no we won't. Catch up with us Sunday morning. Now, however, if you're using social media as a surreptitious way to recruit for your faith, well, you may be barking up the wrong cat condo my friend. There's a time and place for everything. I will say this, however. Have you ever noticed that of those folks that continually blather on about religious matter on Facebook, Christians seem to make up the vast majority? Maybe instead of just hearing from one faction of the 'debate' all the time we need to open the floor to everyone else as well. You know I only saw one Facebook post about the last Solstice that occurred and I've got a shit ton of pagan friends. Maybe someone needs to start quoting lines from the Poetic and Prose Eddas with the same frequency others do Bible verses. Now wouldn't that get interesting...
Finally, I know I should try to find a way to say this kindly but quite frankly my current migraine is pounding in that portion of my mind-pudding so I'll just be blunt. We all have problems in our lives. We all have challenges. We all have things that hurt us and frustrate us and make general existence difficult. Venting about it on occasion on social media is fine. We all do it. What just drives me batshit is pulling up my Facebook account and literally having page after page of whiny 'oh my life sucks' drivel from the same two or three people. Yes, I'm aware the unfriending someone is a very simple process but in the specific cases I'm thinking of, well, they're actually worthwhile people and I'd hate to cut ties with them. I think a lot of this comes from the fact that it's just easier to blurt something in 140 characters than it is to pick up the phone and talk to someone real. We've talked before about the fact that the world is disconnecting from itself but never have I seen it more true than in the fact that we just don't seem to talk to each other that much anymore except over a keyboard.
Well, it's time to wrap this up. Deep breath and moving on...
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