Wednesday, July 4, 2012

I Stand Corrected

Happy 4th of July everyone.  Enjoy yourselves, be safe, and please try very hard to not burn down any structures or peoples with your incendiary experiments of glory.  While you're at it today, tell a member of the armed forces you appreciate their sacrifice and for God's sake, when somebody plays the Star Spangled Banner and presents an American flag, salute or at least stand at attention.  Personally, if you're too big of a douche bagging sperm coozie to acknowledge this amazing country and show a little respect and patriotism, please for the love of all that is holy get the fuck out and go play hide the sausage in France or something.  It just annoys the piss out of me when people act as if they are entitled to act like a crunchy shit stain in public when they should be appreciative of what went into the making and the keeping of this country. 

Let's try an exercise for just a moment.  Repeat after me:  I pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the United States of America, and to the Republic, for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.  See, not so hard, right.  You get extra points if you actually got out of your recliner to say it!

Now, on to today's topic.  Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, I have changed my opinion on something and would like to retract nearly a year's worth of derogatory comments.  For the longest time I have used writer and actress Amber Benson's work and blog as the butt of an inordinate number of jokes.  After reading her blog post today and watching two of her newest movies on Netflix in the last week, I have to admit I have changed my opinion.

Ms. Benson, I stand corrected.  Not only do you have a fair measure of talent in your chosen fields but, more importantly, you apparently have the balls to speak your mind and mean it.  Among few other things in this world, I find that to be one of the more impressive things a person can do.  I have anonymously used you as a whipping post on an innumerable number of occasions and, although we've never actually met, I'm adult enough to admit when I'm wrong and I offer my apologies.

Check out her most recent blog post at and see for yourself.

See, I am actually capable of behaving like a grown up despite my best public efforts to the contrary!

Later gaters!

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