I am sadly disappointed in a large number of my fellow Triangle area residents today. Actually, I think the phrase "grieved by" is a much better description of what I'm feeling.
I normally try to listen to G105's morning show on a daily basis, but was unable to this morning. I heard about the bruhaha that good ol' Bobby Dumas, our own favorite local shock jock, caused and the near epic level of fallout surrounding it second hand. One replay and a slew of message board reading later and I feel like I need to say something myself on this issue.
The entire stink from this morning's show was that Bob simply refused to acknowledge the victims of the Aurora, Colorado shootings as "heroes." Seemingly a solid third of the area is incensed by this and thinks he's being disrespectful to those poor people. Don't get me wrong here, the entire incident is a horrific tragedy and I hope that nutbag deep-fries for what he did. By the way, I also think that Christian Bale is currently showing an amazing amount of class by taking time out to visit the victims still hospitalized by this horrible incident.
But folks, I gotta agree with Bob here. There is a word for those people, but it's not hero.
They're called victims.
I categorically refuse to honor someone who was in a bad situation as a hero. I'm sorry but there is nothing heroic, regardless of what your favorite rapper may contend, about being shot at simply for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Don't misunderstand me here. My heart bleeds for these poor people and what they will have to live with for the rest of their lives while that orange haired fuck will most likely spend the rest of his squalid existence in a looney bin. Were there heroes in this affair? Hell yes! The people who shielded their loved ones from harm, in some cases even giving their lives, are truly heroes. The officers who took that fruit loop gunman into custody; definitely heroes. The spineless fucking coward who reportedly jumped from the balcony and abandoned his girlfriend and child, not so much. It seems as if a number of people want to hand out the 'hero-tag' like a participation trophy in hopes of making everyone feel better and I'm sorry but that is such RAGING BULLSHIT! And please don't get me started on all the anti-gun pussies out there who are now saying that if we couldn't own guns that couldn't have happened. Guess what, folks? The huge spike in Colorado concealed carry permit applications since last Friday should tell you something.
The simplest definition of the word hero is a person who, in the opinion of others, has performed a heroic act or deed. If it's still not clear for you, let's boil it down to two simple and, if you're any kind of patriot, gut-wrenchingly powerful words: "Let's Roll"- Todd Beamer, Flight 93, 9/11/01. That man and his fellow passengers who stormed that cockpit and thwarted the plans of evil men were heroes. Every soldier that returns from being deployed into an active theater of war is a hero, whether they were on the front lines or in the rear with the gear as far as I'm concerned. Our members of law enforcement who put on a uniform and go to work every single fucking day to put their life on the line to keep us safe are heroes. I find it revoltingly pathetic that we as a society are so quickly willing to lump a feel better tag on people that are the victims of a horrible tragedy that we are don't seem to mind deriding the constant and consistent sacrifices of the real heroes among us in doing so.
Mr. Bob Dumas, you are now and forever shall be The Man and you are 100% right on this one my brother. Thank you for speaking the truth regardless of how many want to tear you down for doing so! To all those who are incensed over what he had to say, I'll tell you what. Why don't you go home tonight and pull out your participation ribbon from fifth grade soccer and hug it real tight with your teddy bear while you go to bed so it will make you feel better. The real heroes of this world will be out walking their walls and riding in their patrol cars, doing their job to hunt down the things that go bump in the night so you can continue living in your own little clueless haze of entitled contentment. Enjoy, you clueless shits. Enjoy.
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