The emails for this week were fairly light, so in lieu of a Friday Mail Call post I decided to take a few minutes and share something that's been on my mind as of late. I'm going to go ahead and front load with the NSFW warning simply for the fact that I'm going to type this as fast as I think so therefore I make zero guarantees for what my come out of my proverbial "mouth." Sometimes you just need to get something off your chest. Then again, sometimes you also need to say something out loud (or type it) just because maybe you need to hear it just as badly as you need to say it. Granted if you think about that particular sentence more than once you get a Jungian-psychology-meets-the-sound-of-one-hand-smacking-yourself-in-the-forehead headache, but just bear with me on this one if you will.
I'd like to say a few words on adversity. Yes, I'm probably going to break my overshare rule a bit tonight but, as they say in the movies, fuck it. No, this isn't going to be some hard-charging, once more into the breach line of bullshit either, if that's why you're cringing in dread.
The last few weeks, no scratch that, the last few months have been pretty tough around my household. I've been technically unemployed since January with the exception of my writing and getting back into the work force is proving to be a bear. I'm sure there are a lot of you reading this that have either recently been in the same situation or are in it currently and you have my full empathy, believe me. I've made jokes repeatedly about hearing the words "overqualified" to the point of committing a hate crime, but the reality is that like me a ton of professionals out there have gone from looking for a job in their field to a job near their field to look-I'll-just-flip-a-burger-if-necessary and it's seeming to become more difficult as the days go by. By the way, just as a little side note to hiring managers, please stop being Captain Fucking Obvious in the midst of an interview. If the person sitting across from you is clearly twice your physical size, commenting on said differential is just annoying and makes you look like a moron. Personally, I don't want to have to work for a moron, but I will if I must. Seriously though, the words "Damn you're a big dude" have no place in an in any conversation in which I need to take you seriously... just sayin'!
In any event, my lack of employment outside the keyboard has definitely had its effects around here but thankfully I have a great wife, family, and friends that have been amazingly supportive and that truly makes all the difference. I mention all of this to set the tone for what I really want to touch on tonight. Unfortunately, during the last month or so there have been several things occurring in and around my life that have significantly chapped my ass. It's not been one single event or one single ass gasket of an excuse for a human being but a world class culmination of a lot of what I see as truly just dumb shit coupled with glaring, self-righteous self-centeredness on the parts of a number of folks that has really prompted me past general mouthiness into truly gratuitous anger with some of these dung gremlins. I'd love to go into detail and just blast these folks wide open publicly but, as I do have a standing rule of trying to keep some things in my life private, we'll just suffice it to say that for a change my shit list is very clearly enumerated and defined in its population.
Once again, why foist all this personal drivel out there? Well, believe it or not there's actually a point hidden in all this somewhere and I promise we'll be arriving shortly. All of this nonsense has started to pile up and really wear on me lately to the point that, when dumped on top of the cares and worries of an unemployed scribble monkey, sleeping at night has started to become a significant issue. Trust me when I say that involuntary cat naps throughout the day that are brought on from a stress induced lack of sleep is not what you would call a preferential lifestyle choice. Let's just say I'm really glad my wife isn't a Sharpie practical joke kind of girl! I've lately even found myself in the position where I've had to make decisions that could have whopping ramifications on relationships with a number of people in my life simply because I am becoming physically incapable of tolerating any more of their bullshit. Granted I may not seem like it sometimes due to the quantity and occasional quality of ranting and raving that I do in this blog, but in reality I do have the capacity to be an extremely tolerant guy.
My question becomes this then: how do I deal with this staggering influx of bullshit and stupidity into an already highly stressful life?
As I've talked about before, my days since mid-July begin with a now 3.5 to 5 mile walk with my father. Strangely enough, since we've started this new daily ritual, we've started doing something that we've never really done that much of in my 38 years on this planet: talking like real people. You know, having an actual conversation that didn't involve him referring to me in a dad to kid manner. The odd thing is that I found out through these discussions that he was grappling with a few of the same people and issues that I was and that strangely enough we felt the exact same way about them. A few days ago, however, he completely reversed course mid-stream as it were on a few of these things we'd been discussing. Mind you, we're not talking about some random nonsense here. These were deep down, life affecting decisions that had to be made. As we discussed these issues, he said something that just blew my mind. He said that he was considering his stance on a few of these matters and it occurred to him that he couldn't find a way to explain any of it to his granddaughter, my niece.
In case you're playing along at home, here's where we get to the point.
The whole notion of making a decision based on the kind of black and white world that a young child can comprehend really got me thinking. It occurs to me that while we are busy as individuals coping with the twists and turns that life throws our way and the challenges we have to rise to meet, there are others paying attention to us. What we do, when we do it, and how we go about it is being very carefully observed. Sure, you can go the God route with this if you'd like but I'm looking at this from a much more direct connotation. We as adults, particularly those of you out there that are supposed to be 'heads of households,' have a responsibility to think about the example we are setting for those around us. It occurs to me that while a decision may be tough to explain to a child, what about having to explain it to your wife? To your best friend? Your business partner? If called directly on the carpet for an action or decision, could you make that proverbial child understand why you did what you did?
I read a great article in a back issue of Muscle and Fitness magazine (yes, I'm becoming that gym rat guy again, deal) on Sylvester Stallone that was written just before the first Expendables movie was released. In the article, Stallone was asked why he felt people responded so strongly to his Rocky Balboa character and continued to do so thirty years later. He replied that he felt that people love Rocky because no matter how bad the situation got, the guy just kept coming. He kept standing back up and not backing down, no matter what.
All of this put together left with me a thought I'd like to share with you in conclusion:
As adults we have a responsibility to not only our kids but to our friends and even to people we don't know to try to be an example. None of us are perfect; we've all made our share of serious mistakes in our lives. At the end of the day, however, I think it's how we handle the challenges in our life, particularly the serious ones, the defines what that example is that you set. When real adversity strikes your life, what kind of example are you? Do you fold? Scream? Rail against it? Give up? Ignore it? OR do you shoulder the issue, stand up to it, and do what needs to be done?
Just a little something to think about...
Alleve for headaches, Midol for cramps. You know the drill.