Friday, August 10, 2012

Mail Call: Seriously, Dude?

This week's Friday mail call is in response to an email I received this morning.  For those of you that need it, kindly consider this your may-not-be-suitable-for-work warning.  This ass-biscuit really lit my fuse and I intend to have my say.

As I noted I received an email this morning from a gentleman named George R. who felt compelled to take "issue" with several items and "recurring themes" in my blog.   Apparently George has read some of my postings on other sites, done some Googling, and stopped into this little neck o' the net for some light reading. I'm not going to copy his extremely long diatribe as I firmly believe that ignorance tends to propagate via repetition, but I do want to answer a few of his points.

Ol' Georgey boy here feels that I am gravely mistaken on a few things in my life and wishes to point out the error of my thinking.  In summary, they are as follows:

1- As a retired academic and student of history, George felt it necessary to remind me that supporting the police and military in this country is akin to supporting government oppression.  He points out segregation, forced integration of schools, the "race wars" of the 1960's and the "genocide of children" that was the Vietnam conflict as examples.  He further continues to point out the repeated profiling of non-whites by the police and rampant misconduct by our military in Guantanamo, et. al.

2.  George believes that homosexuals and the acceptance of their lifestyle is a large part of what is wrong with this country.

3.  George further asserts that I need to be reminded that there is only one acceptable faith, Christianity.

4.  Finally, George apparently feels that I am one of those "god-be-damned liberal idiots" who is determined to hate anything that doesn't make me feel like someone owes me something.

5.  There were also several other assertions to me participating in racial slurs, veiled bigotry, and not letting anyone but white people write posts on my blog.

Yes, simply put, ol' George here is a nutjob.

Why do I bother to respond to this pile of drivel?  Well, first and foremost it annoyed me and just happened to catch me in the right mood to reply.  I already emailed my reply to George directly, but thought I'd go ahead and post it for all of you as well.

Dear George,

I received your email this morning and, even somewhat against my own better judgment, felt it necessary to reply as quickly as possible.  Sir, I apologize if what I have to say raises your ire but I feel it prudent to be direct with you.  There is little chance of us becoming friends as I find your thinking stunted and limited to the point of cartoonish.  Although your arguments are well written, they in truth account for little more than moderately spirited accountings of wrongs that occurred in this country over four decades ago and ravings against things which you apparently have little comprehension of to begin with.  Sadly I find them not worth my time to even attempt to refute as anything I have to say would most likely fall on deaf ears obviously blocked by archaic rhetoric and ignorance.

The true reason for my reply is to ask you one simple question, albeit rhetorically as I would prefer to not receive a response.  What about Friday, George?  You seem to be a man with a lot of grudges, misconceptions, and a not small amount of closemindedness that seems to be stuck in a world that no longer exists.  Sir, outside the dusty tomes you apparently spend so much of your time immersed in is a very different world than you apparently remember.  Out there it's Friday, August 10, 2012.  You refer to yourself as a retired academic.  I'm assuming that means you are in your 50's or 60's if not older.  Sir, you have a limited number of years left on this rock. Is this truly how you intend to live them?

In conclusion, I would also admonish you to have the courage of your convictions and not call 911 the next time you have a medical emergency.  I'd hate for someone as vehemently angry with our police and military to have to stoop to beg for their help to prevent something as trivial as your death.

Thanks for your note and now please try to find some other way to prove to the world that you are incapable of finding a suitable and useful way to go fuck yourself.

The CS

His reply:  "that was two questions instead of one."

Seriously dude?

And with that, I'm stepping away from the laptop and going to find something constructive to do with my life like play human Frogger on I-40.  How do these morons find me???

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