Tuesday, December 11, 2012

It's Been Awhile... (aka Why I Deleted a Book)

I swear one of these days I'm going to end up having to write Aaron Lewis from Staind a check for the sheer number of appropriate uses I've found for the lyric over the last few years.
It's been a few weeks since I've posted on either blog.  I'd love to be able to write some overwrought apology for being away or some other equally atrocious pile of Lucas-circa-Episode-One-JarJar-oopsy-poodoo but the truth is a lot more heinous, unfortunately.  I've taken a few weeks away as a time to re-evaluate the work a bit.  After the tryptophan coma from Thanksgiving and the residual birthday cake narcolepsy I was able to slowly digest the newest event in my writing career and attempt to shake it off like an epileptic chihuahua.
What's happened you ask?  Nothing earth shattering I assure you but it was enough to create a little pause in the cause.  If you'll remember back several months ago I decided to write a sequel novella to By Design that focused on resolving the plot line for David and his girlfriend Stephanie.  Well, I've been diligently scribbling away and had about three-quarters of the story written, roughly sixty-five pages.  I have a friend in the industry who reads for me on occasion so I fowarded my rough to her for notes. 
Her reply was so far past brutal that it passed bamboo-under-the-fingernails several exits back.  Without posting her exact, apparently appropriately profanity laced response, let's just suffice it to say that she stated that if she hadn't read and enjoyed a lot of my other work she would beg me to stop writing and run way to a quiet corner to explore the existential vicissitudes of self-fornication.  Or mime school, whichever.
Harsh?  Yep.  Stinging?  Uh-huh. Needed? Definitely. 
Without belaboring the point, I've made the decision that, at least for now, I've said all I needed to say about the characters of By Design and am cancelling Puddin' for the foreseeable future.  Hey, sometimes you swing and miss, right?  I think what threw me a bit was that I've now whiffed twice consecutively, once with the Halloween story and now this. 

But, as we've all seen in every bad boxing movie ever made, sometimes you just have to keep standing back up.  Consider this my ass-off-of-canvas post!

And I'm back to work....


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