(We probably need the NSFW alert flag raised, just in case.)
Okay folks, I'm not going to make this a long or drawn out thing by any means. I intentionally put off making any sort of statement about the Connecticut tragedy and the ensuing chapter of the gun debate to (1) most importantly focus on more pressing family concerns and (2) to hear what the NRA had to say in response.
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What's that they say about a thing of beauty? |
Here is my opinion on the whole thing. Remember this is only my opinion. The great thing about this country is that you're allowed to have a different one and even disagree with mine. To paraphrase Full Metal Jacket, there are many like it but this one is mine, and it is simply this:
This is very simple folks. NEVER, NOT NEVER EVER NEVER EVER EVER ONCE IN THE HISTORY OF THIS MARBLE WE ALL SCRAMBLE AROUND ON HAS A GUN KILLED ANYONE. It's the asshole behind the trigger. You cannot regulate people's actions with gun laws. All stringent gun control does is give criminals access to superior firepower. Sorry, it sucks and I wish it weren't that way but it's true. Case in point: Connecticut has a ban on assault weapons and that batshit taco used one anyway.
I have a very simple issue. When the people with the access to all the guns they want start telling me that I not only don't need them but can't have them, my O-ring gets really, really tight. But hey, it worked great in Nazi Germany, so why not here as well? They were such fucking geniuses at everything else, right?
Do I own an assault weapon? No. Do I know how to use one? Bet your red, white, and blue ass on it. Why is it important we keep the rights to own one? It's very simple in my opinion. It's called the Slippery Slope doctrine and the Supreme Court references it all the fucking time. When you start to infringe on a civil right just a little, the next step becomes easier and easier until that right no longer exists. True the second amendment has outlived its original purpose, but its modern interpretation is still pretty frequently relevant.
And while we're on the subject of gun laws, here's just a side note on North Carolina's Castle Doctrine as well. Dramatically oversimplified, it states that you enter my home with criminal intent at your own mortal peril. Folks, every self-respecting country boy has operated under this philosophy for over a century. It's about damn time at least one gun law made some form of sense.
We live in a dangerous world. Bad exists. We need the ability and right to defend ourselves. If you CHOOSE not to exercise that right that is your decision, but don't take away my right to make that choice. The same goes for my family and children. You can be as up with people and there's no such thing as true evil as you want to be but don't you dare tell me that it's "wrong" and "sends the wrong message" to have an armed officer at my child's school. The message it sends is FUCK WITH THESE CHILDREN AT YOUR MORTAL PERIL SCUMBAG. Please explain to me how it is wrong for a child to know they're safe at school. Our heroes in uniform have been doing it for your sorry ass as long as you've been alive, after all. You just don't see it because they're out defending the borders and fighting the battles so you don't have to. What's wrong is when an overly sensationalized national media uses pictures of dead children to push an agenda that is only really important to them because it helps ratings.
Once again kids we're right back to the sheep trying to defang the sheepdogs.
What is it going to take to open some of these people's eyes? How many victims that could have been saved will have to be piled on the ground in (child sized) body bags for some of these people to understand that gun rights are a necessary part of our world now. We can't go backward to some simpler time. I'd love to but we just can't.
Do I necessarily want to live in a country where we all run around with a Glock strapped to our waist like some form of postmodern Dodge City? Not really, but if it cuts down on all the buttheads who think they can rape, rob, kill, and slaughter with impunity and without expectation of immediate response, well to put it bluntly... I'll take the black leather gun belt in size 40, thank you very much.
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