You know kids, if anyone had come to me two years ago when I started this blog and through some miracle of prognostication informed me that I'd be commenting on ANYTHING that had to do with the Clippers basketball program I would have laughed them out of my personal airspace.
But shit it does happen.
Look, with the media circus surrounding this whole nonsense I'm just going to assume you have not only heard about the issue but have an opinion. Great. I'm not going to try to educate anyone. I'm just going to weigh in a bit.
First and foremost this man is a racist. Pure and simple. It's not even a secret in the league or for anyone around the league. It's about as classified a piece of information in the NBA as the fact that Dean Smith is/was a smoker (I'm assuming he's quit by now) was in the ACC. Now here's where I'm going to piss some people off: BIG FUCKING DEAL.
Is he right for being a racist? Of course not. He's an ignorant ass with a lot of money who feels like the people of color who work for him AND CONSEQUENTLY MAKE HIM A GOOD DEAL OF THAT MONEY BY THE WAY owe him something like Massa up in the big house. As Snoop Dogg so eloquently put it in his video response yesterday: click here for video
But there's something a lot more simplistic going on here that most people just don't seem to get. This guy's an idiot, sure. His business will suffer for his idiocy. Granted. Will he lose his team because of his stupidity? Two words: Marge Schott. Sanctions and fines incoming? You bet your sweet little sugar crusted tail parts.
But what's the real error here?
An old white dude with a pharmaceutically encouraged manhood got a piece of hot ass and let his judgment get impared by it. Because of his inability to keep his pie hole closed around the woman he used to wave his decrepit little sausage at he has now had his (arguably) private feelings put on the national stage. He fell for the oldest play in the book: old dude and young, hot pootie. Pure and simple.
Dumbass on him.
There is not one of us out there who would not be horrified if our inner thoughts and feelings were suddenly published. Not nere a one of us. If what is in each of our heads was suddenly out there for all to see there'd be a rash of social ostracizing that would make a leper colony look like a cuddly place to live.
Do I feel bad for the man. Not one bit. Could it happen to any of us?
Bet your aforementioned sugar crusted parts on it.