Tuesday, April 15, 2014

My Fifty Cents on the Bundy Issue...

Good morning kids.

Believe it or not, no matter how many fliers I may take off into deep right center over some issue or another that has pissed me off beyond human recognition, I actually try pretty hard to not come off as some ultra-right wing conspiracy theorist Bill of Rights spewing wackadoo.  I’m usually the guy telling someone else to adjust their tin foil fedora for a little better reception from the mothership.

And then something like the bullshit that’s going on in Nevada right now over the whole Bundy Ranch issue starts up and I have to seriously consider taking stock in some good ol’ aluminium (British spelling sir, calm down) myself. 

I’m not going to take the time here to educate you on what’s going on if you’re not aware.  If you have no clue what I’m talking about I suggest you stop being a dipshit and learn a thing.  This is serious business folks and it sets a very, very dangerous precedent.

I’m also not going to preach and rant and rave on this subject.  I’ll save that for the radio show Thursday night. What I am going to do is to speak my mind on a few points and leave it at that.  We’ll debate whatever points you all wish or discuss ad nauseum at a later date.  I just need to get this out there.

So here are my points for thought on this issue:
1-      Mr. Bundy is in the wrong.  He’s illegally grazing his cattle on that land.  It’s a fact.
2-      This is a civil issue, not a criminal one, in all but the most narrow of interpretations.
3-      We have civil courts and a Sheriff’s Department in every county of this country to resolve these types of issues.  At its core this is an issue of imminent domain, jurisdiction, adverse possession, and overreach.
4-      Sending officers armed with automatic weapons and placing sniper teams on overwatch to effect the removal of illegally grazing cattle is akin to using a SWAT team to kick some dumbass out of government housing for not paying his $15 a month.
5-      The “militia” showing on said property was not effected by some group of nutballs.  These are concerned citizens who saw the potential for a complete erosion of their rights.  I’m not saying however there aren’t a couple o’ nutballs present, however.
6-      Question:  since when did the federal government become involved in a state land issue LEGALLY without either the purchase of said land from the state or the exercise of imminent domain?
7-      If you think for one minute that this situation has de-escalated because of the temporary withdraw of force by our government, you are sadly mistaken.

Folks, I have a bad feeling about this one.  I’m concerned that some moron, be they government employee behind a desk, law enforcement officer just trying to do their job, a law abiding citizen trying to protect their rights, or some asshole looking for a reason get his or her gun off is going to start an incident that will get someone, if not a lot of someone’s killed.  Cooler heads have to prevail here people.  Armed clashes are not what we need as a country UNLESS we’re ready, as a populace, to go all in and I just don’t see that as the case.  Not yet anyway.

However, that being said, I’d like to point out one thing.  Yes I understand the Supreme Court has upheld the right of the LOCAL AUTHORITIES to cordon off 1st Amendment zones when protests can turn violent over known issues.  However, the same decision states that 1st Amendment zones are illegal unless a clear and demonstrable danger exists BEFORE they are instituted.  Otherwise, and please pay attention Mr. Obama and company, OUR 1ST AMENDMENT ZONE EXTENDS FROM THE FUCKING CANADIAN BORDER TO THE MEXICAN ONE AND GETS RATHER WET ON ITS EASTERN AND WESTERN MOST SIDES AND UNTIL I SEE OUR CONSITUTION BURNT TO A CINDER ON THE ALTER OF ULTRA-LIBERAL HOMOGENY THEN YOU CAN TAKE YOUR ATTEMPTS TO CONTINUALLY DEGRADE MY CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED RIGHTS AND SHOVE THEM UP YOUR HIGH AND MIGHTY SOCIALIST ASS.

I’ll be waiting out front for the black SUV’s. 

I’ll be the one in the tin foil hat if you’re not sure how to find me.  
They seem to be becoming fashionable.

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