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Smith and Wesson Bodyguard .380 One of the front runners for my next EDC weapon. I've always been a Glock guy but sometimes you just have to branch out! |
Good morning kiddies! As most of you know that have read the blog for a while, I'm a big proponent of the average person exercising their second amendment rights and not only owning firearms but LAWFULLY carrying a concealed weapon whenever possible. Believe me, it's not because I want us all devolving into some Wild West Part II society. Sadly I'm a realist and an unfortunate pragmatist. We don't live in a safe world and as any instructor in personal defense of any form, be they anywhere from martial artists to tactical CQB specialists, will tell you the first step in safety is preparation.
I bring this obvious hot point for contention up because the following business posting was blowing up Facebook this morning:
Depending on your screen resolution you can see that this particular business owner has stated that should an individual feel they need to carry a gun then they would decline their patronage. Well okay, he doesn't exactly put it that politely. Now while I may obviously disagree with this person's opinion, I also posit that they have every right to not only feel that way about the issue but to say exactly what they do in their sign. While the douchebag comment might be a bit much and not very professional, I think they're completely within their rights.
The Facebook comments on this picture were very, very negative. Some keyboard warriors were even calling for the local law enforcement to require the owner of the business to be "informed" of state law in that regard. Unless South Carolina law (where this particular PUB is located) is very different from most of the country, not only should you not be carrying a weapon while consuming alcohol BUT a business owner can deny carry rights when reasonably posted.
I'm interested in what you think on this issue, gentle reader. Drop me either an email at thecynicalsarcastic@gmail.com or simply reply to this post with your thoughts. Let's see if we can't get a little back and forth running. I'm particularly interested in hearing from those of you who actively carry on a daily basis and those who find the whole concept repellent and can articulate express why without having a Feinstein-level fit of uninformed lunacy.
I'm looking forward to reading your responses. Now play nice kids! Remember that the only true morons are those that justify their own beliefs with the words "just because."
I think that if you are not comfortable with guns in your establishment (especially when alcohol is involved) then you have the right to decline patrons with guns. However, if it were me I would have been more polite about it, because you REALLY do not want to piss of the gun toting drunks who read it.