Saturday, March 1, 2014

Getting Back To Business

As promised (yes please hold the applause), today is March 1, 2014 and The Cynical Sarcastic is back up, slightly made over, and ready to rock 'n roll once again.

To quote the immortal Billy Bob, "I'm back, pukin' rowdy!"

Well okay not pukin' rowdy but slam a few beers down me and I'm still liable to ask Ms. Davis to go to prom with me...

Just sayin'...

Okay, silly gif jokes aside it's definitely good to be back doing what at least a few of you twisted and demented souls out there seem to think I do best which is ranting and raving away from the comfort of my own keyboard.  Hey, I missed all four of you psychotic little bastards, I really did. The great thing about having taken nearly a few months totally away and, for that matter, nearly away from anything resembling on a regular basis, posting is that I've been able to take a good look at my game such that it is and decide on a few new directions for the blog and the writing career in general.

The other great thing is that for a brief moment I think my fingers nearly forgot how to type the word fuck in quick succession, but that's probably more a win for whatever religious leader is willing to tolerate me for the moment. 

It's also come to my attention that we're (yes I'm including the five or six of you still listening) going to be joined now by some new victims I mean readers.  I can't promise you that you won't inadvertently read something here that you'll find splattered on the walls of your mind palace at some inopportune time in the near future (yes that was a Sherlock joke, deal with it and move on), but I promise after enough time here you'll even stop noticing the spasms.

Formatting is going to be pretty similar except there is a lot more content heading everyone's way on a regular basis.  The goal is for regular posts to come out by noon Monday thru Friday and whatever other brain droppings that choose to burst forth from my mental man-womb will just show up whenever God and technology smile and allow it.

So on that note, it's on with show once again...

Oh, yeah and Ms. Davis... prom is for amateurs... and porn is for Duke students.    

Happy scribblin' y'all!

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