Thursday, March 6, 2014


You know, there's a funny thing about being a busy-ish person.  

Sometimes you just run out of time in the day.  As to what exactly you end up running out of time for, well, that pretty much varies on a daily basis as well.

I just read an highly informative article entitled "Life Integration" that proclaimed the virtues of literally micromanaging every moment of every day via whatever form of electronic calendar / personal assistant.  The chucklehead who penned this opus (if that doesn't tip my hand and give away my opinion too far in advance), and no I'm not even going to bother linking anyone to this fiasco of bad advice, seems to believe that the only way to live an effective life is to have everything so scheduled that not one minute of the day in unaccounted for in any way.  This is also most likely the kind of efficiency expert wannabe douche nozzle that secretly jerks himself off with a circa 2000 DayTimer to an autographed picture of Steven Covey.

I'll save you the Google time.  Steven Covey founded Franklin Covey which publishes day planners and the like.  Now you get the joke. My bad, let's move on.

The problem with being that organized is that there is no room for spontaneity in life.  No time to smell the roses, play with the dog, or even stare off into space.  Hell, I'd be willing to go out on a limb and say that under this dude's idea of life that even taking a big ol' satisfying dump requires a time limit.

Sorry but my big ass just can't live like that.


Apologies.  Those last few lines are courtesy of my new cat who feels it is her mission in life to draw my attention totally away from my keyboard even if it involves lying across it.  Charming little thing, ain't she.

With all that being said, I'm going back to taping together what's left of my week and trying to get some honest to Jesus work accomplished.

Be good kids...

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