Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year from The Cynical Sarcastic!

Have a great night tonight, celebrate as hard as you can, do something incredibly stupid, enable your idiot friends, and generate some great stories for the new year!

Thanks again to everyone for their continued support of The Cynical Sarcastic
 and here's looking forward to a great 2013 and at least one new book!

Have a great one!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Friday Mail Call, A Day Late as Usual

Now that I can officially say I'm back in the swing of things, I had a couple of emails to the CS over the past few weeks that I wanted to reply to through the blog.  Yes I know it's Saturday and I'm a day late off of the usual schedule but hey, Diners Drive-Ins and Dives was on!
First and foremost, I want to say thanks today to all of you that have written emails expressing condolences for my family's recent loss.  I've tried not to make too big of a deal about it online as it is a private, family matter but your messages have meant a lot and are greatly appreciated.  One of the great things about the Internet and how connected we all have become is that you can take a second or two to extend a little humanity, in some cases even to people you've never met, and sometimes those small gestures mean a lot whether you know it or not. So on behalf of me and my family, thanks again.
Now on to the email.  This one is from a gentleman named Randy who wanted to know about the process for inspiration for writing. He's just dipping his toe in the water, so to speak, and was interested to know where other writers get their inspirations for story ideas.  Well Randy, believe it or not you timed this email just right because I am currently in the midst of that process myself.  I'm hip deep in the writing process for Hurricane Carolina and over the last few days I've found myself a bit mired down with a general feeling of blah in regards to the story. (Yes, I used the word blah. Nothing more descriptive seemed to come to mind. Let's move on.) At their simplest, at least in my opinion, novels are created by having strong, interesting characters put into captivating situations.  In the interest of brevity, let's just say a number of my situations blew chunks and I was and still am in desperate need of new "material."
Part of the issue I'm having with this book is that I created the original idea in 2009 and it has been on slow percolate since. I've literally lived with this book rattling in my noggin for so long now that it's gone a bit stale.  So, mining for ideas, I've gone back to the old picture file, college notebooks, old stories, old friends, television, music, and pretty much anything else that can get ye olde noodle rolling again short of heavy quantities of Jack Daniels.  And there, Randy, is your answer.  Anything and everything can inspire you, but if you're running critically low on ideas and have exhausted everything else, get very very drunk and see what burbles to the top by the time you sober up.  Hey, it worked for Hemingway after all...
More to come soon.  Have a great weekend everyone!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Weighing In on the Gun Issue (Finally)

(We probably need the NSFW alert flag raised, just in case.)

What's that they say about a thing of beauty?
Okay folks, I'm not going to make this a long or drawn out thing by any means.  I intentionally put off making any sort of statement about the Connecticut tragedy and the ensuing chapter of the gun debate to (1) most importantly focus on more pressing family concerns and (2) to hear what the NRA had to say in response.
Here is my opinion on the whole thing.  Remember this is only my opinion.  The great thing about this country is that you're allowed to have a different one and even disagree with mine. To paraphrase Full Metal Jacket, there are many like it but this one is mine, and it is simply this:
This is very simple folks.  NEVER, NOT NEVER EVER NEVER EVER EVER ONCE IN THE HISTORY OF THIS MARBLE WE ALL SCRAMBLE AROUND ON HAS A GUN KILLED ANYONE.  It's the asshole behind the trigger.  You cannot regulate people's actions with gun laws.  All stringent gun control does is give criminals access to superior firepower.  Sorry, it sucks and I wish it weren't that way but it's true.  Case in point: Connecticut has a ban on assault weapons and that batshit taco used one anyway.
I have a very simple issue.  When the people with the access to all the guns they want start telling me that I not only don't need them but can't have them, my O-ring gets really, really tight.  But hey, it worked great in Nazi Germany, so why not here as well?  They were such fucking geniuses at everything else, right?
Do I own an assault weapon? No. Do I know how to use one? Bet your red, white, and blue ass on it. Why is it important we keep the rights to own one?  It's very simple in my opinion. It's called the Slippery Slope doctrine and the Supreme Court references it all the fucking time.  When you start to infringe on a civil right just a little, the next step becomes easier and easier until that right no longer exists.  True the second amendment has outlived its original purpose, but its modern interpretation is still pretty frequently relevant. 
And while we're on the subject of gun laws, here's just a side note on North Carolina's Castle Doctrine as well.  Dramatically oversimplified, it states that you enter my home with criminal intent at your own mortal peril.  Folks, every self-respecting country boy has operated under this philosophy for over a century.  It's about damn time at least one gun law made some form of sense.
We live in a dangerous world. Bad exists. We need the ability and right to defend ourselves. If you CHOOSE not to exercise that right that is your decision, but don't take away my right to make that choice.  The same goes for my family and children.  You can be as up with people and there's no such thing as true evil as you want to be but don't you dare tell me that it's "wrong" and "sends the wrong message" to have an armed officer at my child's school.  The message it sends is FUCK WITH THESE CHILDREN AT YOUR MORTAL PERIL SCUMBAG.  Please explain to me how it is wrong for a child to know they're safe at school.  Our heroes in uniform have been doing it for your sorry ass as long as you've been alive, after all.  You just don't see it because they're out defending the borders and fighting the battles so you don't have to. What's wrong is when an overly sensationalized national media uses pictures of dead children to push an agenda that is only really important to them because it helps ratings. 
Once again kids we're right back to the sheep trying to defang the sheepdogs. 
What is it going to take to open some of these people's eyes?  How many victims that could have been saved will have to be piled on the ground in (child sized) body bags for some of these people to understand that gun rights are a necessary part of our world now.  We can't go backward to some simpler time. I'd love to but we just can't. 
Do I necessarily want to live in a country where we all run around with a Glock strapped to our waist like some form of postmodern Dodge City? Not really, but if it cuts down on all the buttheads who think they can rape, rob, kill, and slaughter with impunity and without expectation of immediate response, well to put it bluntly... I'll take the black leather gun belt in size 40, thank you very much.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Holiday Observations

I hope everyone has had a great Christmas / Yule celebration.  I wanted to get back online today for the first time in a while and send out a few thoughts on this holiday season.  These are a bit varied in nature and in no particular order as this particular end of December has been a fairly tough one for me and my family.  These are just some random things I have seen or thought of during the last few weeks that I felt bore sharing with you all.
1)  In the pagan tradition, particularly in the Norse, Yuletide was a time to set aside any and all animosities between yourself and those who antagonize you.  It was not uncommon to invite a hated enemy to your home under a badge of truce, namely mistletoe.  So in that spirit I made the decision this year to squash a number of old, inflamed, or just generally irritating grudges, squabbles, and or downright vengeful feelings I was carrying around.  To that extent, I thought I'd share a traditional Yuletide blessing with you all:
Beneath the tree of light and life,
A blessing at this season of Yule.
To all that sit at my hearth,
Today we are brothers, we are family,
And I drink to your health!
Today I offer hospitality and comfort
To all that cross my threshold,
In the name of this glorious season.
There are some additional lines regarding burying their axes in the blessed ground, etc etc, but I think at this point we all get the meaning.  Lyric it ain't, but it makes the point well enough. This is the time of year to set aside the nonsense and try to start fresh.
2)  As some of you know my family has recently undergone a major loss with the death of my dad's father at 86 last Wednesday. Among the myriad of things I've learned, seen, and experienced this past week, there are two I want to share with you all.  The first is on truly living marriage vows.  My grandparents were married for 68 years and, part and parcel, were maybe apart for no more than 10 days during that time.  Through good and bad, richer and poorer, hardship or celebration, they never left each other's side.  My grandmother sat in a wheel chair holding my grandfather's hand as he took his last breath on this earth, no matter how hard it was for her.  The next day a friend of mine told me he was filing for divorce because he was tired of his wife's bullshit. I've never wanted to punch someone so badly in my life.
The second thing I saw during this time I wanted to share was a true demonstration of faith. My grandparents were/are devout Christians.  When the code was called in the hospital and we knew my grandfather was facing death the pastor asked my grandmother how she wanted him to pray: should he pray for recovery or peace or otherwise?  I will never forget her response: she said that she would not have him pray selfishly but to ask for God's will to be done and for strength for her and her family. It struck me because true faith doesn't seem to exist very much in this world any more and to see someone so strong and secure in their belief in God, even at the very worst of times, was more than moving.  Whether you share the same beliefs or not, you have to admit the power behind it.
3) Never in the history of the world has the word family had so many and varied definitions.  Whether yours drives you insane or not, have you really taken a good look lately at who and what it is comprised of? Some people tend to focus on their family in terms of history, not in terms of reality. Are you still so consumed with some nonsense that happened in 1988 that you can't see the human being in front of you? Just food for thought.
4)  There is a simple truth about children and noise.  Each child added to the mix really does increase the level of noise by an exponent, not a simple multiplied factor.  Six children under the age of 12 in a confined space may possibly be a cause for deafness, bleeding from the nose, ears, and eyes, and quite possibly male pattern baldness.
5)  Our pets can give two shits about Christmas or any other holiday.  It's just one more day of kibble and walks outside that for some reason or another happened to include a new collar and chew toy. They're happy you're there. Period. When is the last time we treated our family that way? 
Again, these aren't meant to be profound or to get all Jack Handy on anyone.  These are just simple things that have occurred to me over the last few weeks in regards to the holiday season.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Clucking and Screeching

For those of you out there that are unmarried, pay very close attention.  I'm about to teach you a very valuable lesson.  This... is... how you get yourself in trouble with your wife. (I was going for the Ryan Seacrest American Idol commercial rip there but suddenly found it nearly impossible to convey timing and inflection with punctuation.  Just go with it dammit.)
I came to a stark and ultimately hilarious realization this past Sunday.  I was sitting at lunch with my family while my wife and my mother were talking away on some subject that had absolutely nothing to do with me.  I realized that when I de-tuned my ears to the actual words being used that the old joke about the "hens clucking" really is true.  In counterpoint, when a topic came up that was upsetting, the clucking devolved to screeching.  The realization struck me as so funny and I had to fight so hard to not laugh at it that I involuntarily clucked out loud while driving home from the restaurant.  I suddenly found myself having to explain to my wife that no, I wasn't having a stroke. 
I'm just an idiot.
Don't misunderstand me here; men are exactly the same except we do it with grunts and points.  Tim Allen was not wrong in one iota.
As far as the clucking and screeching, well, I'm not even going to take credit for the idea as I'm sure my addled brain ripped it off from somewhere or another. 
I'll use that as a point to ponder while I couch surf for the next few nights after my wife reads this... 

It's Been Awhile... (aka Why I Deleted a Book)

I swear one of these days I'm going to end up having to write Aaron Lewis from Staind a check for the sheer number of appropriate uses I've found for the lyric over the last few years.
It's been a few weeks since I've posted on either blog.  I'd love to be able to write some overwrought apology for being away or some other equally atrocious pile of Lucas-circa-Episode-One-JarJar-oopsy-poodoo but the truth is a lot more heinous, unfortunately.  I've taken a few weeks away as a time to re-evaluate the work a bit.  After the tryptophan coma from Thanksgiving and the residual birthday cake narcolepsy I was able to slowly digest the newest event in my writing career and attempt to shake it off like an epileptic chihuahua.
What's happened you ask?  Nothing earth shattering I assure you but it was enough to create a little pause in the cause.  If you'll remember back several months ago I decided to write a sequel novella to By Design that focused on resolving the plot line for David and his girlfriend Stephanie.  Well, I've been diligently scribbling away and had about three-quarters of the story written, roughly sixty-five pages.  I have a friend in the industry who reads for me on occasion so I fowarded my rough to her for notes. 
Her reply was so far past brutal that it passed bamboo-under-the-fingernails several exits back.  Without posting her exact, apparently appropriately profanity laced response, let's just suffice it to say that she stated that if she hadn't read and enjoyed a lot of my other work she would beg me to stop writing and run way to a quiet corner to explore the existential vicissitudes of self-fornication.  Or mime school, whichever.
Harsh?  Yep.  Stinging?  Uh-huh. Needed? Definitely. 
Without belaboring the point, I've made the decision that, at least for now, I've said all I needed to say about the characters of By Design and am cancelling Puddin' for the foreseeable future.  Hey, sometimes you swing and miss, right?  I think what threw me a bit was that I've now whiffed twice consecutively, once with the Halloween story and now this. 

But, as we've all seen in every bad boxing movie ever made, sometimes you just have to keep standing back up.  Consider this my ass-off-of-canvas post!

And I'm back to work....


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

And so it begins...

With the delivery of the all important Port-O-Potty, Best Buy completes its holiday preparations.  Wednesday at lunch and already six tents set up.  I'm just not that serious of a shopper I guess.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Black Friday Again, Or Is It Black Thursday???

I hope everyone had a great weekend.  As we all get ready for the Thanksgiving holiday this week, I thought it necessary to address / re-address an issue that we discussed last year this time that has now apparently gotten even worse.  That issue of course is the annual retail extravaganza that has become Black Friday.
Kids, I'm not going to even try to sugar coat this one.  Black Friday has become a staggering load of wankalicious bullshit and somebody has got to do something about it!
Now before you immediately write me off as someone who's getting all butthurt because his wife works for the almighty Wally World and is directly affected by their Thanksgiving policies this year, let's take a step back.  Folks, I am all for business and the ability to make the all mighty dollar.  My entire professional career has been in retail management and executive management.  Believe me, I get it.  But since when did the pursuit of Ben Franklin and company take total precedence over the ability of your employees to enjoy their families? 
For those of you unfamiliar with the whole brew-ha-ha, this year Wal-Mart and Target are both opening on Thanksgiving Day instead of the usual Black Friday sales to kick off the holiday buying season.  Target I believe is opening at 9pm, while Wal-Mart is opening at 8 but requiring their employees to be in as early as 2pm!!  Now believe me I understand that not everyone keeps the Thanksgiving holiday in their family.  We live in an incredibly diverse society so it's completely counter-intuitive to expect everyone to find import in every single calendar-mandated social activity, but for chrissakes people whatever happened to a good ol' fashioned day off just because everyone else gets one?  Let's get real for a second here people.  I'm all about the Christmas season and all it represents since I was raised as a good little Southern Baptist.  However, I'm also all about the right of those who don't keep that holiday for whatever reason to get Chinese food and chillax with their family, pet, or favorite inflatable companion. 
The next thing out of most people's mouth when it comes to this discussion is usually either "well they're going to be open anyway" and "that's when the best deals will be on sale."  Kids, I don't know if you realize it or listen to the news all that much but as I type this there are large scale walkouts and protests scheduled in over 1500 Wal-Marts across the nation by employees' groups and unions and in over 1000 Target stores by family groups.  Now, and again remember that I do have unfortunately first hand experience with this because of my wife's job, Wal-Mart is notorious for using bullying tactics on employees who try to take part in their family life such as cut hours and even termination.  Look, I've been in retail for over 20 years now (oh dear God) and I get that crazy hours and schedules come with the gig but come the fuck on people!  I have no problem with the two or three city mad dash we usually have to make on Thanksgiving Day to get to see our families, or even having Thanksgiving early or late to accommodate ye olde job, but to flat out force your workers to give up their private time for increased incremental sales opportunities is just asinine!
The sad thing is that there is abso-friggin-lutely nothing that any amount of protests and walkouts and even large scale quitting will do to discourage these companies behavior.  There is only one thing that will get anything done about it and force them to realize this might just be a really shitty idea:  DON'T SHOP THERE ON THANKSGIVING DAY!  I know this concept is going to get a lot of you all up in arms because you're going to miss the $150 32" Emerson piece of shit LCD television that Wally World is selling at 8pm Thanksgiving night, but come on people.  I swear to you Old Navy is giving away free Nintendo Wii U Mario games when they open at midnight.  It will be okay! Don't you think it might just be worth it to express your support for the families of those that have to work throughout what should be a family holiday by waiting a few extra hours to spend your hard charged money?  It's a simple concept people: if we don't spend money at a business on Thanksgiving, they may not be willing to open for the day next year.

But then again, that's also the same reason I get gas the day before major holidays.  I don't think those poor folks should have to work on a holiday either. 

As always, this is all just my humble opinion.  I sincerely wish that more of you shared it.  Look back in your memories and in your heart of hearts.  I'm not wrong.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Happy Anniversary: One Year of The Cynical Sarcastic

Happy Friday and Happy Anniversary Kids!!  It was one year ago that yours truly decided to open the front door on The Cynical Sarcastic, thus beginning the deluge of ranting and raving you've all come to know, love, revile, ridicule, heckle, deify, and what not. 

I started this blog a year ago simply with the idea that I would toss maybe an article a week out and see if there was any feedback and potentially a market for my writing.  Well, now a full year and 41,131 page views later, apparently something good is going on somewhere. Here's some quick stats for you. As of November 1, 2012, the average post is viewed 432 times within a seven day period from date of publication and some have even reached the 1300 mark!  I know we're receiving new readers all the time as our RSS feed numbers continue to grow and traffic on older posts continues to increase monthly.  Guest bloggers have a great return for their efforts as well: the average guest blog is viewed roughly 1000 times in its first two weeks.  Not a bad start at all!

 To all of you that have been guest bloggers, grammar police, frequent commenters, and even the handful of you that have chosen to share your truly unique points of view with me via email, I'd like to take a second to convey my appreciation. Your participation has lead to 125 posts, two books published successfully, and three more in various stages of development: absolutely none of which would have been accomplished without your support.

I'd like to take a second to specifically thank my guest bloggers who have contributed in the past year and are going to do so in the near future.  All of you have made awesome contributions to the blog, whether through humor, moving personal experiences, or just taking the time to share your true feelings on a subject you care about.  Your efforts have not only made this project feel like more of a community but they have also truly inspired me to push that much harder to see it thrive and continue.

Several of you have asked what happened to the planned collection of posts that was going to be put together in time for the holidays this year.  Well, it was initially conceived of as a charitable project.  After closely examining the production costs versus expected sales and what could realistically be expected to donated at the end of the year, I made the decision to postpone it at minimum another six months to possibly the 2013 holiday season.  In the end, a book with 200 articles will simply produce more revenue than one with 80, and as this is a charitable endeavor I'm going to hold off just a bit longer to garner more pieces to use and do as much good as possible.

Well, I'm looking forward to 2013 being a great year, both on The Cynical Sarcastic and on our new sister blog, The Big Fella's Guide.  There are a lot of great things coming up on the horizon: new guest blogs, book launches, continued weekly email responses, and most likely a whole lot more of me running off at the mouth about whatever random topic tweaks me that worst that morning.

Thanks again for continuing to tune in and here's looking forward to the future!
- Brian Pittman

Monday, November 12, 2012

Dealing with Crap Pt 2: Towel Throwing

Happy Day After Veteran's Day to everyone.  I sincerely hope all of you bank employees enjoy your day off.  You seem to be the only ones still unilaterally observing Federal Holidays.
A week or so ago I published a response to an email question about what to do with material that you, as the author, just can't stand or think is horrible.  Well, due to a nagging back injury and a lot of quality time over the weekend with a heating pad, I've had some time to consider it and I feel like I may have left out something that I personally found applicable over the weekend.
To begin, let me paraphrase my earlier response.  I advised the person that wrote in to keep everything, no matter how crappy they may believe it to be.  I have a very bad habit of wanting to discard stuff I create that I don't care for at that moment for some odd reason.  I've learned to write it and file it and move on if necessary.  Dropbox is my friend dear reader, as in my less than humble opinion it should be for all writers.  Just make sure you don't post anything in the public folders!
Moving on, I feel like I erred in omitting one major component of this issue.  Once you've got a little experience under your belt as a writer, a little seasoning if you will, you will (hopefully) begin to develop an audience. You will probably publish at some point.  You may even develop a few fans (still the hardest part of this entire enterprise for me).  Then one day you're going to write something that has an awesome premise.  Your story plan seems dead on the money, your characters seem interesting and real enough to carry the story, and the best part of it is that in your head it's clever and sheer genius. 
And then you write it.
And you've seen more interesting piles of dog vomit.
On your shoes.
My Halloween short story "Tell Me Everything" has become one of those piles o'puke.  I really liked the idea, everything seemed to work and it was ready to publish.  Blogger had a minor technical issue for a few days and I couldn't get the file to post correctly, so I took that time to read and reread to check for issues, errors, and the like.  About halfway through the first read something started to nag at me.  By the time I'd finished the second read I realized what it was.
Now make sure you don't misunderstand me here.  I'm no Hemingway by any means and I'm fully comfortable with that.  However, I do feel like I have a degree of standards when it comes to what I put out there for my audience.  There's no faster way to lose readers and fans than to follow up something they enjoyed with gar-bage. 
In the end, meaning last Sunday, I finally made the decision that no amount of rework was going to fix this beast.  It was time to pull the plug, throw in the towel and drop it in the file for later. Maybe it will show up someday.  Maybe it just wasn't the right genre for me or the right time or something.  Maybe it was just in exercise in completing a project even after you lose faith in it.  Maybe, just maybe, it was a lesson learned to stick with what I do best.
All in all though, I'm not publishing the story and I'm satisfied it's for the right reason.
Well, back to the mines kiddies. More to come later this week.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Perspective, And Being Mindful Thereof

As our political season in this country draws to a close and we can all celebrate the end of the endless chicanery of campaign commercials, I feel like I need to step to the side for just a minute and fuss a bit.
Kids, some of us have seriously got to grow the hell up already.
I mentioned my recent culling of my Facebook friends list last week and I swear I'm just about ready for round two.  Folks, I tend to wear my opinion on my sleeve and tell others to deal with it but I have never, ever seen the kind of juvenile, nonsensical claptrap spewing from otherwise rational human beings as I have since this election entered the metaphorical short rows.  I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone finds it necessary to ridicule or slander someone else over a political difference of opinion.  I actually saw a post this morning in which someone I used to have a lot of respect for accused a Romney supporter of being a racist and anti-woman just because they chose to vote Republican straight ticket.  Really people?  Has it gotten that simple minded out there?  Or is it really true that all Democrats support government oversight of the smallest detail of my life and hate white guys?  Silly, ain't it?
Instead of verbally lambasting these narrow minded mental midgets until their charred remains look like something out of a Walking Dead episode, I would instead like to remind everyone of a little notion called perspective.  Perspective can be a bit tricky to keep in line sometimes, but let's try nonetheless.  Everyone sees the world their own way, attempting to comprehend existence through a filter of their opinions and life experience. No two people will experience an event the same way, even though sometimes their perspectives line up enough that they feel they agree on the topic.  However, perspective can also refer to keeping things in their proper place or degree of importance compared to others.  I think what has occurred lately in the minds of a large number of people is a complete loss of perspective when it comes to this election.  It seems that folks are forgetting that there is still a life to live after 11/6/2012 and regardless of who wins and who loses you still have to deal with the carnage you and your overactive mouth may have wrought.
Now, I will be the first to admit that losing perspective and going balls out on a topic is far too easy to do.  Take the gym as an example.  I work out with and around a lot of large folk.  It's far too easy sometimes to either overdo it to keep up or feel like I'm behind just because I'm not tossing 405 in the air on a bench press like it's made of nerf.  The only way I keep perspective there is to remember that I took about 7 years off from doing anything serious in a gym and that I'm still lifting twice what the "average guy" in our country can.  In other words, sometimes I have to take a step back and look at the real world as a whole and not that little subset. 
Sounds like some almost usable advice, doesn't it?  (After a year of writing this blog, I guess it had to happen eventually, huh?)
Folks, my point is simply this: I'm thrilled that this election seems to be inspiring some many people to be passionate about politics but for the love of whatever you deem holy try keep it in at least a bit of proper perspective.  Morons will be morons, that's a given, but can we try to not take the bait and jump all over each other in an unbridled effort to join their ranks?
Just a reminder: if you haven't voted yet, make sure you do tomorrow.  Remember, you can't bitch if you don't participate!!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Guest Blog by Eric Jones: Being A Father


Halloween Apologies

Okay, just a quick note in response to those of you kind enough to have been anticipating the Halloween short story I teased about a week back:
Unfortunately, Blogger is having some difficulty with larger uploads for the last several days.  I contacted tech support and it seems that only a small number of accounts were affected so OF COURSE mine is going to be one of them. Thank you Uncle Murphy.
So, while I await the dissipation of the wrath of the tech gods, I'll just apologize and say that I'll have it posted for you all as soon as possible.  Yes, I could just retype the whole thing but honestly, 40 pages is a LONG NIGHT'S WORK boys and girls!!
More to come...

Saturday, October 27, 2012

What Do You Do With Crap? - Friday Mail Call

This week's email was about as straightforward as it gets.
Brian - I'm just starting out as a writer.  I was wondering what your advice would be regarding stuff I write that I hate or that I think is crap. Is there a reason I should save it? -Allen
My advice is really simple: save it!  When it comes to what is and is not crap out of what I write, I am the world's absolute worst judge. I'm overtly critical of anything I write, sometimes to the point that I'm tempted to pitch something that's probably worthwhile just because I'm frustrated with it, the story seems to be fighting me, or I'm just bitchy in general. There's no real way to explain it. 

Over the years I have learned that the best thing to do with the stuff that you write is to just hoard all of it. Throughout the last year I've been stuck several times on a project and went back to the old idea file (aka the dump bin) and found some part or piece or whatever that I wrote a month, a year, or a decade ago and been able to use it to get over the hump.

The other thing I would strongly advise you to do Allen is to become part of a writer's group.  Peer review is absolutely essential to what we do, even more so if you're a self published author.  Truth be told, I would have totally ditched the short story I used as a starter for Bounce had it not been for the writer's group I was involved in at the time.  They had the good sense to convince me that not only had I written something worth while but that the short had a lot of mileage in it that was worth expanding upon.  If I hadn't had that resource available the story wouldn't have been written to start with and there wouldn't have been a premise for the novella.

Well, that's all for this week's mail call.  Stay tuned over the next week for more Cynical Sarcastic and the Halloween short story!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Mail Call, Sort Of

Yes, yes.  I know I'm late getting Friday's Mail Call posted for this week. 

I suck as a human being, I'm aware, let's move on.
This week's question / cry for help I believe had to do with generating a plot.  I'll apologize to the individual who wrote in with the question because it was (a) from an anonymous address and almost didn't get read, (b) wasn't signed, and (c) was a bit garbled and hard to decipher.  I'm hoping it was just a function of an email glitch so please feel free to send it over again if I've misinterpreted.  If it's not a function of misinterpretation, well, I guess the only way to put this is that it's infinitely easier to respond to a question when it's presented succinctly and clearly.  No offense intended.  AutoCorrect may make all of us her bitch from time to time but the chica is ultimately useful and stuff, you know?
The gist of the message was that this individual has created an awesome character that they feel would be a great anchor for a story but isn't sure how to craft it.  Well, all I can really say in response first and foremost is welcome to being a writer!  Crafting your narrative is, for a lot of us, the hardest part of all of it.  (For some it's typing, which is apparently my problem today as well. Maybe I should just go back to two fingers...)

Okay, first of all we're going to assume that your character is just as awesome as you feel they are.  Cool.  The question is, how did they get that way? I'd wager a nickel or so that you probably dreamed up something for them to do along the way that proved that awesomeness.  Dance monkey dance sort of has its uses, if you get my drift.  Well, that event that causes said awesomeness is as good a place as any to start.  Look, I foisted an entire novella on the world based on an idea about a guy getting dumped by his wife and invited to a bad Halloween party on the same day.  What do I know?

My point, if you haven't guessed it by now, is that in my opinion you can't really develop the character fully without the plot.  You've probably got some great starter ideas for this dude / dudette / otherwise entertaining entity but you're going to need to get something moving for them to prove themselves to you as a character.  I still swear by the "shadow box" idea.  Take a couple of newly created characters, make up a scene, throw them in and watch what happens. (Apply alcohol as needed). You'd be amazed what will just show up sometimes. Where else do you think I came up with a cat with an inappropriate licking issue? Just sayin'...

Have a great weekend all.  By the way, I reposted "I Remember You" on the side bar of the blog for those that were having trouble finding it.  You'll also be able to find "Tell Me Everything" in the same place when it releases next week!

Laters (God it must be late...)

Thursday, October 18, 2012

An Announcement

As a little treat for Halloween this year, I'm taking my first foray into the horror genre with a short story that will be published exclusively on The Cynical Sarcastic.
Look for "Tell Me Everything" to be released on or before October 28, 2012.

The Kindest Unfriend

Well, it's been one of those special kinda weeks so far boys and girls and even though it's only Thursday I'm irritated enough for it to be severely wishing it was 5 o'clock somewhere.
Today's rant is brought to you by all the moronic buckets of claptrap that choose to live their lives through Facebook, other social media, and text messaging rather than engaging in actual face to face conversations with actual live people and the dysfunction they seem to feel is okay to spread about the Internet like grass seed on a pretty spring day.
Kids, the simple fact is that I am (at least somewhat on most days) an adult. I have my life and bills to pay and all that other fun shit and I have absolutely zero tolerance for those who like to cause, air, and share drama with the rest of the world.  I got irritated the other night with the sheer amount of petulant child-esque b.s. being thrown around on Facebook regarding the presidential debates and actually started to pay attention to the people guilty of all the nonsense.  Interestingly enough, the same people choosing to call others names and behave like little baby boys with the tip of their built in worry stone covered in recycled strained peas were the same ones who usually spew vehement and odorous bullshit on a regular basis.  I thought about just completely unfriending these douchebags then it occurred to me: WAIT MORON, you use Facebook to advertise for your work as well. Do you really want to shut off potential readers just because you can't stand their ass?  Thankfully it turns out that if you have a fan page on Facebook (I do, not sure why but I do) you can actually shuttle friends over to it instead of outright deleting them. And suddenly my friend count dropped from nearly 250 to roughly 130 and we'll proceed with the day from there.
People, I've made it pretty clear on a few occasions that I want to stay out of the political discussion, at least online. I've not made a secret out of the fact that I wouldn't trust our current president with the fry machine at McDonald's, let alone the economy, but that's solely my opinion and I hope you have one of your own.  All I want to say publicly is that I hope everyone votes on November 6th and votes from an informed and intelligent position. Also, if you're going to debate politics, keep it friggin civil people.  Some of the best political discussions I've been involved in lately have occurred at the gym among a group of men within whom the smallest individual weighs 260 pounds.  My point is that if anywhere from a half ton to a ton of rage addled iron monkeys can carry on civil discourse then why the hell can't a bunch of 150 pounders?  Does life really look that different on the other side of the insurmountable force / immovable object equation?
Enough with politics, I've got another axe to finely sharpen on the remnants of someone else's spinal column.  Folks, we've all had friends go through messy breakups of their relationships and, as we all know, the crap tends to spill out online to social media because some people just can't keep personal shit to themselves.  We've all seen it, rolled our eyes, and moved on if possible.  What just galls me to no end, however, if when one of the "wronged" parties decides to start making threats online for the whole world to see.  There's stupid and then there's just that.  As a prime example I just had a friend tell me the other day that his ex was accusing him of "talking shit" and that he was going to "catch a bullet." I thought to myself - nah, he's exaggerating, no one's that stupid. I really hate it when I'm wrong for there it was in glorious black and white.  I called an attorney friend of mine and found out that there's enough just in that crap to take civil if not criminal action.  Who in their right mind stoops to that level of black belt wank tard stupidity? According to my friend-at-law, apparently more and more people on a daily basis. 
We've talked before on the C.S. that we seem to live in a world with fewer and fewer real consequences for stupidity.  Therefore, I'm proposing one today. I'm encouraging everyone to take a really hard look at their lives and locate those individuals that you have no idea why you still waste time on and just let them go quietly into that good night.  Our lives are too short to continue to voluntarily poison ourselves with someone else's drama and nonsense, so why the hell do we?  Are we so very bored with everything else in our lives that we have to espouse someone else's banality? I know it may not be the easiest thing to do.  Speaking from personal experience, I had to cut loose of a number of people that I'd always thought of as good friends just over a decade ago.  Their meddling and intrusiveness in my life, which I had always seen as sort of mentoring, turned out to be little more than controlling bullshit and it was fast on the way to ruining my world.  It was tough but a decade later I have to say it was one of the best calls I've ever made.  I'd be willing to bet that if you took a minute and were really honest with yourself, your social hedge could use a little pruning as well. 
Wait, why is my friend's list on Facebook suddenly down to 10? 

Friday, October 5, 2012

Friday Mail Call

Well now that I'm hopefully back in the swing of things here on the CS, I have a couple of emails that I wanted to respond to this week.  All three are about the writing process and even though a few may rehash a little info from here and there, I thought they were definitely worth putting out there for everyone. 
And here we go...
Brian, I'm writing my first novel and I have some really great characters created.  I know the major plot points in my story.  I'm having trouble creating fill-in matter to keep the story moving.  Any suggestions? - Thomas
I honestly have to confess to a love of what you refer to as "fill-in matter" Thomas. I'm an enormous fan of the little things in character interactions that make them feel real to a reader or viewer.  Take the couple of scenes in The Avengers where Agent Coulson is bugging Captain America to sign his vintage trading cards.  Yes, it's a setup to a bigger payoff later but the moments and references to them make the character all the more real.  Bar scenes, sidewalks, elevators: they all make great places to generate interactions that not only fill the time in between major scenes but can also really flesh out a character for your reader. For example, I'm in the process now of writing a completely unexpected sequel to my last novel based on fan response.  My first question to answer was "is there more story to tell?" followed by an immediate "well okay, then what is it?"  I went back to basics, well at least what I consider the basics for the way I write.  I took two characters, created a scene, and let them run around in it and just watched what happened next.  Strangely enough I got a book out of it that about 60% completed now. In this case I started with two established characters that my readers haven't seen spend much time together, but have reason to do so, getting drunk and running off at the mouth.  The humanity of the moment generated a much larger story.  My suggestion: start with something small, get your characters talking, then see where it leads you.  Remember the poker games on Star Trek: The Next Generation? What better way to get your characters talking? 
Why do you think authors have stopped writing pure fantasy anymore, well at least successful authors have anyway? - Francis
Okay, there are two ways to answer this.  The first: Francis, run home, turn on HBO on demand and immediately watch both seasons of Game of Thrones.  You can mail George RR Martin your letter of apology letter (Tyrion Lannister for President, but I digress).  The real answer to this is to say that I don't think you're looking in the right places Francis.  There's still PLENTY of fantasy being written by a lot of very successful authors (Fifty Shades of Grey anyone? da dum dum rimshot). I think part of it stems from the fact that a lot of the new guard in fantasy are newer authors that aren't quite household names yet and that also maybe the nature of fantasy has changed a bit.  I'm not personally a huge fan of the classic high fantasy stuff. I tend to lean more toward the fantasy grounded in reality, your Harry Dresdens and the like. That's probably why I'm such a big fan of the Marvel movies and Nolan's Batman et al.  I like to see that material brought into the real world more than I want to go chase dragons with Anne McCaffrey, but again to each his own.
One of my creative writing professors in college told me that my characters were unrelatable. It's been about ten years since then and after seminars and writing groups and all kinds of other junk I just had a proofreader / editor tell me the same thing.  Is it time to quit? - Bob
Bob, and I mean this in the most supportive way, if you quit you're a moron.  Go back over the notes your proofer and editor gave you.  The Question (cap intended) here is WHY? If they didn't tell you than, in parlance, you better ask somebody.  I wrote a character that everyone hates almost categorically and I'm actually proud of him. Why? He generated an emotional response in the readers.  I'd be willing to bet that where a bit of your problem lies is that your character(s) aren't sympathetic enough. They lack human qualities that make your readers care about them.  I know when I was first learning how to write fiction I had a bad habit of making 2-D puppets for characters and them making them "dance" to tell my story.  Then i wrote a story about a vampire taking in a werewolf like a lost puppy after a festival of gore and slaughter and my professor nearly shit herself with happiness.  Apparently I had finally figured out how to make a character do something people responded to.  Sadly the next scene was so bizarre, so completely gothed out and preternaturally emo that she suggested I buy a new computer and burn whatever I wrote that crap on, but hey, I learned something after all. Bob, maybe try this. Take one of your characters and honestly evaluate them as to how much your reader really knows about them.  You don't want to drown a reader in details but something as small as having a character mention they hate the smell of cheap cigars because it reminds them of a real bastard of an uncle they grew up with can get you a lot of mileage.
Well, while that may not be a quest-for-fire like knowledge drop, I hope it at least helps these three folks out a bit.  Well, back to the fire pits.  Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Making Up Mail Call

As most of you know that have been following the blog lately, I've been spending a lot of time over the course of the last month working on several projects and not having a ton of time to dedicate to the ol' blog.  Part of not being able to focus as regularly on the blog as I'd like meant that I missed several Friday Mall Call entries.  So, here's my cheap and pandering attempt to make up for several of those...
I receive about an email a week or so wondering if I only write long fiction or if I dabble in other forms such as poetry or short stories and the like.  Well, outside of the blog and the occasionally inebriated dirty limerick, I do scribble out the occasional short story or so.  Truth be told, I actually use short stories as a way to test out story ideas and see if there's actually any merit to the current tube of wonderful that's rolling around in my head or if I'm just experiencing writer's delirium and thinking that this latest pile of mental excrement may be worth more than a quick game of mental etch-a-sketch.
I wrote the following short story roughly a year ago as part of a writing group exercise and some of my peers like it enough to think I should consider publishing it.  It's not in a 100% polished form just yet, but I have to admit I'm sort of a fan of it myself.  So, for those of you who requested some of non-novel length work, consider this your long overdue (and as a reminder copyrighted and not to be reposted without permission) response. Let me know what you think!
There once was a man from Nantucket... nah, just kidding...
I Remember You
By Brian Pittman
The dirty concrete floor of the alleyway was cold, wet, and hard.  The brick and the wall against which he was propped as he tried to open his eyes was equally unwelcoming and yet the two in concert seemed to hold him as comfortably as any easy chair in which he’d spent a lazy afternoon.
The first thing he noticed was how difficult it was to open his eyes and focus.  Fog seemed to be rolling in fairly thickly down the alley floor from the street.  Still unable to truly use his eyes effectively, he noted how the fog seemed to roll and boil its way toward him in long tongues of white and grey.  He noticed that as he tried to focus on the fog as it curled itself into waves and shapes it would seem to melt away, only to return and re-form itself at the edges of his diminished sight.
He closed his eyes hard, his head swimming as if he’d both had too much to drink, gotten his ass kicked and slept way too long all simultaneously.   He opened them and snapped his head back so quickly in shock that he banged it off the unforgiving brick behind him.
There, immediately no more than two inches in front of his face, crouched a woman.
His eyes adjusted slightly to the fog.
The woman’s steel blue eyes stared directly into his, unblinking.  She continued to crouch, like a bright and shiny carrion bird, her head moving slightly as she examined him.  Her shock white hair was pulled into a tight ponytail that brushed against his torso languidly.
He blinked again.
She was sniffing him, his mind told him.  This stuck him as odd, but nowhere near as batshit as the realization that hit him next as she stood up in front of him.
She was wearing armor.
She was beginning to pace in front of him, arms crossed and fingers tapping her chin, as if deeply lost in thought.  He tried to stand and found very quickly that he seemed to lack both the initiative and strength to do so.  He had never felt so tired in his life.
It was about that time that he noticed he was soaking wet as if he’d been sitting or rolling in something wet for quite a while.  He reached down to check his shirt but was startled back into stillness when she spoke to him.
“Why,” she asked tersely?  “Why now?”
“What?”  It seemed all he could intelligently come up in response at the time.
“I demand to know you pathetic insect,” she hissed as she crouched down, leveling herself even with this face once again.  “Why did you?”
Granted he had to admit that woman as a general rule were confusing to him but this particular female was trying to either be obtuse or was just fucking nuts.  Either way, it had been a long night and he was tired of the charade.
“Look Xena,” he snarked dryly, “how but you just fucker on off to whatever comicon you fell out of and leave me in peace…”  He stood to leave again but this time stumbled as he fell back into his hard stone and brick seat.  He wiped his hands on his shirt, still finding it odd how wet his clothes were at the time.
“Tell me, why now,” she seethed as he suddenly realized that the fog around him was flowing in more and more thickly and she was now pointing the largest broadsword he had ever seen and that he could have sworn was merely mist seconds before directly at his jugular. Her voice had no inflection, he began to notice.  All of her words, threatening or inquisitive, were delivered with the same cold even tone.
“Why now WHAT you crazy bitch,” he spat with indignation.
“Why did you do this,” she continued cryptically?  “Why let this happen now?”
“Let what happen,” he spat emphatically?  This entire conversation was doing nothing but pissing him off and wasting his time, not to mention technically qualifying for one fuck of an assault charge.
She dropped the sword from his throat, his blurry vision barely registering the fact that it faded back into the mist as it left her hand.  She crouched yet again, this time mere millimeters from his face, leaving him unsure whether she intended to kiss him or further his berating.  He swung his right hand reflexively but grimaced in both shock and, surprisingly, pain as his hand passed through her as easily as the mist.
She smiled cruelly and pressed her apparently now very solid palm into his abdomen.  He gasped in agony as she pulled her hand back and wiped it across his face.
To his horror he realized that the wet sensation he'd been experiencing was actually blood.  His blood, and he was coated from mid chest down in it.
He tried to freak out, he even wanted to, deep down.  He wanted nothing more than to scream for help.  He didn't, however.  The groggy feeling he'd been fighting off began to dissipate as it was replaced with a peaceful feeling of calm.  The animal side of him, the primal side we all hide behind the trappings of our humanity, slowly allowed him to grasp what was happening.
"I'm dying, aren't I," he intoned?
"Yes," she replied flatly.
"Was it you," he asked, wondering if he was confronting his own murderer?
She sneered at him and resumed her crouch nearly instantly.  "If I had slain you, think you I would leave enough to question?"
He shook his head no.  At that moment his trademark sarcasm not only seemed inappropriate but likely fatal.
Still hovering on him, she repeated her question.  "Again, mortal, I ask you.  Why?"
"Not to anger you needlessly," he said coolly as he tried to make a soothing gesture with a gore soaked hand, "but I don't understand what you’re asking me.  Do you want to know why I let myself get hurt?"
"No imbecile," she spat.  "Why did you try to save them?"  She motioned wide with her gauntleted right hand.  There, still partially shrouded by the fog, lay the bodies of an elderly couple.  As he focused on them he noticed that the fog lifted slightly more and he could see they had been brutally stabbed, nearly eviscerated.  He started to wonder if that was what had befallen him as well.  Try as he could though, he could not remember.
"I'm sorry, I have no idea what you're talking about," he said smoothly.  "What happened to them? To me?"
She stood quickly and began to move off as if beginning to leave.
"HEY!" he screamed at her.
She spun back toward him.  As she stormed toward he saw anger flash across her face.  He also saw something else, though.  As she spun his direction he saw her form seemed to shift and phase as if covered in static.  He could have sworn he saw her hair change color as well but he wrote it off to his still slightly blurry vision.
"Fine," she hissed.  She reached her right hand down again and touched his blood stained forehead.
The day was no different than any other.  He'd just parked his car outside of the coffee shop around the corner from his house and was about to go inside when he heard the old woman scream from the back of the alley.  Not his business he'd thought.  Then she'd screamed again, begging for their lives.  He was no hero, in fact he'd avoided conflict so much in his life that avoidance qualified as a lifestyle decision.  For some incomprehensible reason his feet were moving into a trot and he was suddenly running and yelling down the alleyway.  Although slightly taller than average he was painfully thin so his attempt at a tackle only managed to spin the mugger, easily twice his heft, slightly off balance.  He watched in horror as the man smiled at him then opened the old man's throat ear to ear with one slash.  Rage overcame him and he lashed out, catching the mugger squarely on the jaw and dropping him to his knees.  The old woman screamed out a warning far too late as he saw the mugger's accomplice level the sawed off shotgun at him.  The blast hurtled him to the back wall of the alley.  Shock set in immediately, but it took him so long to pass out that he had time to watch as they took turns puncturing the woman's vital organs in alphabetical order, all the while admonishing her for not being smart enough to carry cash.
Reality settled back in front of him, mist and all, but now his companion was perched bird like on the corner of a dumpster at a ninety degree angle to his resting spot.  She seemed to be patiently, and also very much without any discernible movement, waiting for his answer.
"I don't know" he responded as truthfully as he could.
"Simpleton," she hissed as he noticed her seem to blur and fuzz slightly.  "Fool."  This time he was sure of it.  Her stark white hair had momentarily gone brown.  She also seemed to be beginning to noticeably lose her icy demeanor and was truly becoming angry with him.
The pain in his gut was nonexistent at the moment and he decided to be a bit more inquisitive.  After all, he reasoned she couldn’t do much worse than hasten his clearly imminent demise.
"So who exactly are you again?"
She phased once again as she descended from her perch in one smooth motion.  This time he clearly saw her with brown hair, wearing a simple cotton dress with flowers in her hair.  An instant passed and she was re-clad in the sterling armor, which in the now full moonlight was clearly designed to resemble a swan, her ghost pale hair swaying softly as her steel blue eyes blazed at him.  She stood full height and he felt his jaw drop in amazement.
"I am Valkyr," she said flatly.  "Chosen by the All-Father to take the worthy dead from the battlefield to Valhalla."
"Name's Bob Thorson," he quipped hurriedly lest the extremely hot yet possibly delusional woman in front of him catch on to his amazement or worse, reproduce that sword again.  "How they hangin' there Val?"
“You... doubt me” she roared?   His mocking clearly angered her, causing her to shift form randomly as she began to pace and rant wildly in front of him.
"Six hundred years," she ranted, "six hundred years of caring for heroes and serving the valiant and I am sent to attend a craven."  She lifted her head back and screamed skyward.  "Have I angered you All-Father?  What did your servant do? Why must you inflict him on me again?"
He was ready to light on the word again and finally get some answers when she shifted again, this time for over ten seconds, and began to swear at him profusely.
Realizations hit him harder than the blast from the shotgun in quick succession.  First she was swearing at him in Gaellic.  His grandmother had been from Scotland and he recognized a few of the choice words Val was using from the frequent tongue lashings he'd seen his grandfather receive when he was a boy.
The second realization was even more improbable.  Every time she flashed she began to seem more and more familiar, as if he'd seen her in a picture or in a movie.  It wasn't until her tirade that it became clear.  No matter how nuts it seemed, he knew this woman!
Things began to slowly add up in his brain, although the gaps that would force intuitive leaps to even try to make logical sense of the situation were so far they seemed almost sadly comical.
“So wait, let me see if I’ve got this right,” he snarked, unable to any control his mouth any further. “I fuck around and get myself at least most of the way killed doing something stupid and you’re pissed off because you think you’re six hundred years old and you’ve been sent to fetch me to Valhalla? “
His mouth clearly had the better of him at that point and he continued, unable to stop himself.  “Look lady, I’ve already figured out I know you from somewhere.  I don’t know what you gave me to make me so weak and how you staged all this but it is bullshit.  And just so we’re clear here, trying to be slick and calling someone stupider than a rotting sheep carcass in another language isn’t nearly as impressive when THEY KNOW WHAT YOU’RE SAYING! Whatever kind of freak show you’ve got going here just knock it the fuck off and…”
His voice trailed off as he saw her turn again and he saw a scar on her left arm, visible through the gaps in her armor.  He looked closer and realized it wasn’t a scar but a brand.  He could see where the flesh had puckered around the burn long ago.  “Wait,” he barked as he reached out and grabbed her by the arm.  This time, she was as solid as he was and the mists that had littered the alley floor were totally gone.  She didn’t phase again, not completely, but he watched as her eyes went from blue to green and her hair regained its previous chestnut color.
She was now standing full height against him, merely inches away, separated only by the grip he maintained on her arm.  “What is this mark,” he said insistently? “Why do I know you?”
With her free hand she reached her hip and withdrew the foot long horn that hung there from a thick braided cord.  “Drink,” she said to him softly, her eyes yielding further to their emerald appointment. She opened the mead horn to show him the amber fluid inside.
“Drink and remember.”
The raiding party had spotted the small village days earlier.  It had been simple enough to overwhelm them.  Three longboats had put ashore to draw their attention, while the other three had beached several leagues away and the thirty warriors inside had attacked simultaneously from the rear.  The men and boys old enough to hold a sword were slaughtered quickly, two saved to be blood-eagled to Odin the next day, and the women and children split amongst the warriors along with the stock and camp goods as the spoils of battle.
Hrothal, the leader of the war party, was ready to retire for the night when his men brought one of the captive women to him.  According to his men she had broken the neck of the man she’d been given to as a prize when he’d tried to rape her, but instead of dealing with her by the sword his men had brought her to him for his judgment.  The woman was beautiful but ferocious and Hrothal knew by the story that his men were more likely afraid that she would rest a sword from their hands and take their lives more than they were afraid to raise a blade to a captive without his say so.  Hrothal eyed the long brown hair and strong body of the woman in front of him and decided he would take it upon himself to break her as he had his horse, to tame the animal to his will.  He commanded his men to tie her to the center post of his tent and he would figure out how to deal with her later.
The woman proved to be a handful for Hrothal.  She tried to escape at any opportunity at first, oftentimes either injuring him or one of his guards in the process.  The guards wanted vengeance but he would never allow it.  In his mind, his will would be stronger than any foreigner they had conquered.  He was Thor-son, descended through the ages from the god of thunder himself, and no woman would fail to bend to his will.
Time passed slowly in those days.  It took six months before Hrothal was able to sleep soundly with her in his tent, tied to the main post or not.  During that time he never beat her or raped her, nor did he allow his men to do so.  She was wild and fierce and he was of a mind that if he could tame her to obey him than he would truly be seen as a man to be reckoned with.  The only harm that came to her by his hands was the occasional day without food or water as punishment for some misdeed and the brand on her upper left arm, the bindrune that marked her as his property.  By their law this mark meant no man save him would ever touch her but also it meant that everyone knew where she belonged and many times it would lead to her return to him after an escape attempt.
A year passed, then two.  Over time her attempts at freedom diminished in frequency then one day stopped altogether.  Somewhere in the first year he stopped tying her to the post every night.  It was sometime afterward that she was shown by someone who spoke her language how to care for his tent and keep his armor and clothes clean.  By the end of the second year she was even learning to speak their language and could have rudimentary conversations.  Her master had learned her name was “Roan” and that she was the daughter of the healer for her village before it was destroyed.  It even turned out she had some small skill in medicine and treated Hrothal’s wounds on more than one occasion.
It was during the fourth year of her life with Hrothal that Roan decided it was time to truly be free.  She had been a good slave and earned the trust of most in the camp so it was easy for her to steal a sword and hide it in his tent.  It had been after a council meeting that night when Hrothal had returned to his tent to sleep and encountered Roan, wearing mismatched pieces of old or childrens’ armor, leveling a sword at him as he entered.  It was no easy fight for either of them, nor did it end as either would have expected.  The following morning found both of them in need of bandages for minor wounds, but the following spring found them welcoming Hrothal’s first son into the world.
Season followed season and child followed child as time went on.  Twelve years almost to the day from when Hrothal had first taken Roan from her village a different set of warriors, bent on making a name for themselves, attacked Hrothal and his people in broad daylight just as the first snows of the year had began to fall.  Hrothal was wounded by an axe almost immediately.  As he faded in and out of consciousness he had seen Roan standing over him, sword in hand, defending her fallen husband and family with all of her rage until she was cut nearly in half by an enemy.  His own warriors had seen her fight and redoubled their efforts.  He lost Roan that day, as well as the use of his left arm, but Hrothal spent the rest of his very long life until he died in his bed wishing he had been able to stand beside her.
He opened his eyes again to reality, this time to see the Valkyrie that had been tormenting him gone and in her place sat the woman in the cotton dress with the long, flowing brown hair.
“I’ve been watching ye for six hundred years you stupid git,” she said as she polished off the rest of the mead from the horn.  “Life after life, year after year, living, growing and dying as one stupid whiny shit of a man after another.”  He noticed that her accent was fully prevalent by that point, although her brogue had too many long o’s and a’s to be purely Scottish.
“I used to root for you, doncha know,” she said.  “I figured ya had to man up at some point.  He’s a warrior I figured.  It’s got to come naturally.”  She stood up over him again, gesturing with the horn again for emphasis and spilling a considerable quantity of mead in the process.  “Don’t worry about that,” she smiled, “it never runs out anyway.”  Continuing to smile she dumped a good quantity on his head and continued her rant.
“Do you know you managed to make it through World War I without so much as a broken toe?  When you enlisted, well, I thought maybe now’s his time.  But no, you off and go be a bloody ass cook. Fuckin’ hell…”
He listened to her rant on about what a failure and coward he’d apparently been in multiple lives when he noticed his limbs were getting heavy again.  She continued to go on and on, recounting one inglorious deed of cowardice after another, until she stopped to take another belt from the horn.  “And right about 1940 is where I just started to hate your arse.  Even stopped paying attention to you.  Then today I’m told to be here at this fuckin’ alley and faith be damned who comes a-walkin’ in…”
His vision was beginning to blur again.  Something deep inside him told him she was telling the truth, no matter how improbable it seemed.  Something also told him it didn’t really matter whether she was truthful or not at this point.
He put his hand on her shoulder and turned her to him.  “Roan,” he said softly.  The voice coming out of him wasn’t his own but still sounded familiar all the same.
“Aye love,” she said, “tis I. Tis your Roan. And tis you’re time as well it would seem.”
She stood beside him and her armor began to reappear.  Neither her eyes nor her hair changed, however, and her speech stayed the same as it had been for what seemed like hours.  She reached for him and stood him up on his feet with a sharp tug.  He found himself standing before her as his true self, the man from six centuries before who wished to die beside her in battle, as the body of the man he had been closed its eyes and breathed its last.
“Come love,” she cooed at him.  “There’s mead to be drunk and fights to be had and lies to be told.”
“And you to be had,” he intoned as he pulled her close.
“Ahh, and I believe you’ll be needing that tent pole again,” she said coyly as the rainbow appeared and they began their walk to eternity.