As I sat here struggling to come up with a brilliant topic for tonight's post that wasn't going to intrude or impinge on the monumental greatness I have planned for Memorial Day (could be a picture of a tree at this point), I happened to glance at the tracking stats for The Cynical Sarcastic and realized that as of this moment there are less than 80 hits needed for the blog to hit 10,000.
Let's try that once more for the cheap seats.
Since November 16, 2011, this blog will have been visited 10,000 times sometime in the next few days.
Holy crap.
As most of you know I started this blog as an experiment; as a way to see if there was any form of market or fanbase out there for me and my style of blathering. It has definitely developed a life of its own. This will also be the 70th post on the blog in what has been now just over six months.
You know, someone really needs to help me learn to shut the hell up on occasion. Jeez!
In all seriousness, I do feel the need to take just a moment and thank all of you for making this blog the kind of success it has been. I also need to thank my guest bloggers for their invaluable contributions, both previously and those to come.
Well, in six month's time I've managed to create a living, breathing blogiphant (neat word, huh?) and publish a book. Here's hoping the next six months can be just as productive.
Also, don't forget that any suggestions / ideas / criticisms / dude-what-were-you-thinkings can be sent directly to me via the blog email at I truly love hearing from my readers and anything you have for me will be greatly appreciated.
Except possibly the repeated requests to just hush already. Anyone who actually knows me can tell you that just ain't gonna happen in this lifetime.
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