Thursday, May 24, 2012

In Reply: Your Cheatin' Heart

Hi all.  I've received a number of emails since my post regarding marital infidelity.  Since the overall theme of most of the notes I've received has been similar, I felt like I could better respond to everyone with one simple group response rather than having to bore the world by repeating myself over and over.  Well, bore them any more than I usually do, but I digress.

To those of you who took offense to my opinion on marital infidelity, I'd like to be able to offer an apology.  I'd like to be able to say "I'm sorry I hurt your feelings" and admonish myself for treading roughshod over what so many of you feel is a tender subject.

The fact is that I just can't.  I meant every last word of it.

If you'll remember what I said in that post I'm not making a moral judgment against you.  I am in no place to do so.  Granted I've never cheated on a spouse but I did my fair share on running around on past girlfriends and have unfortunately dated a couple of married women in my time.  I have been either close to or in your shoes so I speak from measured experience.  As I stated I don't give a flying purple beer battered damn who you sleep with.  The only thing I feel you should do differently is to end one relationship before beginning another.  It's a simple junior high rule of dating.  The fact is that what you're doing is a have your cake and eat it too scenario regardless of the cost to others in your life and that part is just wrong.  To those of you who adamantly asserted that cheating is not wrong because of your "circumstances," well, all I can tell you is than in my less than humble opinion you've already written off anyone that your actions may affect in favor of your own selfish desires.  Hey, do as you wish.  You have to live with it, I don't.

I did have one question on a response to this post that I will answer directly:  why would I broach such a sensitive topic on a public blog?  Well, first and foremost, I tend to go by the "my house" rule when it comes to my blog.  It's my house so I will speak my mind.  Secondly, this week marks the eight year anniversary of the death of a friend who was killed by an angry husband.  Lastly, and probably most importantly, I've been inundated lately with a slew of friends either telling me about their little trysts or questions from their spouses when things didn't add up.  I've grown tired of it quite frankly and just don't want to play anymore.

In summary, I don't care who you sleep with.  It's not my business.  Just do the right thing by your spouse.  If my little post made you upset, well, quite frankly I think you need to take a good hard look in the mirror and make sure your anger is directed toward the right person.  Pouting like a child because you were called out on doing dirt is not an endearing quality.

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